Those present: Cllr. Andrew Tween (In the chair), Irene, Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff, Katherine Palmer, Jenny Clemo (Clerk) and six residents.


1. Minutes of the last Annual Meeting – 13th May 2014

The minutes were read out by the Chairman, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2. Matters Arising.

a) Sewage effluent pipeline upgrade – A resident commented that water collects where the pipeline crosses Ulting Lane between The Paddocks and Sugar Mill Cottages.


3. Chairman’s Report.

a) CML submitted a further proposal to build 45 houses at their Oval Park site and the emerging Neighbourhood Plan contributed to the District Council’s decision to refuse planning permission.

b) The majority of planning applications have been for coppicing and pollarding trees and the council has agreed to allow these decisions to be made by Maldon District Council’s tree officer.

c) 30mph speed limit – Attempts to implement a speed limit along Crouchmans Farm Road have been unsuccessful.

d) Speed Indicator Devices at Doe’s Corner – Essex County Council has been asked to fix both devices but this has not been done as yet.

e) Neighbourhood Plan – The plan is moving on from strength to strength, led by Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff and Jenny Clemo, our clerk, who with assistance from several other residents, have submitted the first draft for consultation. Invaluable grants for funding this plan have been sought and obtained by the team, ensuring the substantial costs of the project have not impacted on our parishioners, with this year’s precept and therefore the council tax contribution by all residents remaining the same as last year. 

The Chairman concluded his report as follows: “As this is my final annual report as Chairman of the council I would like to reiterate my thanks to my fellow councillors and our clerk for their support and sterling efforts over the past four years.” The Chairman welcomed the new councillors, Colin Ashby and John Clemo and thanked the Tomlins for their hospitality.


4. Items from parishioners.

Anna Tomlins thanked the Chairman for standing as Parish Councillor for the last eight years, four of these as Chairman and thanked all those working on the Neighbourhood Plan.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.5pm.


Signed:                                                          Chairman                              Date: