Present:                       Councillors: Andrew Tween, Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff and Kathy Palmer

In the Chair:                Councillor Andrew Tween

Clerk:                          Jenny Clemo

Also present:               4 members of the public

District Councillor Henry Bass arrived after item 15/06


15/01. Apologies for absence

Apologies accepted from Cllr. Perry who was unwell and District Cllr. Durham.


15/02. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 2nd December 2014 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


15/03. Declarations of Interest

No interests declared.


15/04. Matters for information from previous meetings

14/123. Speed Indicator Devices - It was noted that a new pole had been erected adjacent to the damaged pole at the salt heap. No information received from Highways.

14/127. Highway Ranger’s Winter Schedule – The clerk confirmed that all verges and hedges along minor roads in the parish had been cut back.

14/111. FUL/MAL/14/00788 – It was noted that this application may be included on NW Planning Committee’s agenda either 2nd February or 2nd March.

14/145. Possible Future Bypass – It was noted that no response had been received from Hawkspur.


It was agreed that item 15/05 would be deferred until Cllr. Bass arrived.

15/06. Public Question Time

  • A member of the public queried ownership of the ditch adjacent to Pine View as there is an issue with flooding of his property. It was agreed to defer this matter to item 15/12.
  • A member of the public praised the waste collection contractors over the Christmas / New Year period


At this point, Cllr. Bass arrived and apologised for being late.


15/05. District Councillors report

  • Local Development Plan (LDP) - Examination in Public commences next week
  • Neighbourhood Plan – Brandon Lewis, Minister for Housing and Planning had indicated that where a District Council did not have an LDP, a Neighbourhood Plan would be valid at the point where it is submitted to the council.


15/07. Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.


b) Planning decisions received.


c) FUL/MAL/14/00788, Oval Park, Langford – Councillors noted correspondence received from GL Hearn regarding the Parish Council’s response to the amended plans.

d) Planning Training Event: No date has been set as yet for the Maldon District Council training session on: ‘Making more effective comments on planning applications’.


15/08. Correspondence

a) Essex Energy Switch: Residents have from 3rd December 2014 until 2nd February 2015 to register their interest at: Clerk to email details to councillors.

b) Community Agents Update – December 2014. Clerk to send information to Cllr. Allen for inclusion in next newsletter.

c) Community Games 2015 – It was agreed that there was no interest in applying for a grant.

d) Parish and Town Council Update from Essex Highways – Winter newsletter noted.


15/09. Finance

a) The following payments were authorised

Mrs. J. Clemo                                     £476.55                     Clerk’s expenses

Charisma Spatial Planning Ltd.          £2100.00                     Neighbourhood Plan consultancy fee

b) The following cheques raised at the previous meeting were ratified:

SLCC                                                     £65.00                     Annual subscription                

Charisma Spatial Planning Ltd.          £3761.88                     Neighbourhood Plan consultancy fee

Northumbrian Water Ltd.                       £50.00                     Coach House rent

c) The following cheque raised between meetings was ratified:

Mrs. J. Clemo                                     £312.50                     Clerk’s salary


15/10. Precept 2015/16

A precept of £6700 was agreed. Expenditure proposed includes £2500 on Langford churchyard fence repairs, £1000 on the Neighbourhood Plan and £1150 on Parish Council elections, other general expenditure remains similar to the previous year.


15/11. Emergency Planning

a) Cllr. Perry’s report on the current status of Parish Emergency Plan was deferred to the March meeting.

b) It was agreed that the Parish Council would accept Maldon District Council’s invitation to attend a Parish Council meeting and deliver a short presentation on current developments in emergency planning.


15/12. Flooding

Essex County Council had requested details of the top three priority areas within the parish which could prevent flooding of residential homes. It was agreed that the following would be included:

Old School and School House, Ulting

Pine View, Langford

Little Mill Cottages, Ulting

It was also agreed that Cllr. Anfilogoff would speak to Mr. Alborough about ownership of the ditch adjacent to Pine View and that if this was not resolved, the clerk would check the Land Registry title.


15/13. South Maldon Garden Suburb Project Team Update

It was noted that the Member’s briefing commencing 7.30pm on Thursday, 8th January 2015 had been missed.


15/14. Streetlights

It was noted that the clerk had submitted a Streetlight Inventory to UK Power Networks – no changes recorded from the previous submission.


15/16. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Neighbourhood Plan update

b) Newsletter

c) Churchyard grass cutting


15/17. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th February 2015 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall.


Signed:                                                           (Chairman)             Date: