Present:                       Councillors: Andrew Tween, Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff and Kathy Palmer

In the Chair:                Councillor Andrew Tween

Clerk:                          Jenny Clemo

Also present:               3 members of the public


The Chairman welcomed Gerry Richardson, Emergency Planning Officer, Maldon District Council who gave a short presentation on current developments in emergency planning including notification of future training sessions on setting up rest centres, flooding and severe weather. Gerry also offered to help update our Parish emergency plan.


15/18. Apologies for absence

Apologies accepted from Cllr. Perry who was on holiday and District Cllr. Durham.


15/19. Minutes of previous meetings

The minutes of 13th January 2015 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


15/20. Declarations of Interest

No interests declared.


15/21. Matters for information from previous meetings

14/111. FUL/MAL/14/00788 – It was noted that this application will probably be included on NW Planning Committee’s agenda 2nd March. Cllr. Bass requested an update on the Neighbourhood Plan progress prior to this meeting.

15/12. Ditch adjacent to Pine View – Cllr. Anfilogoff had contacted Northumbrian Water Ltd and their legal team is checking ownership. Production manager at Langford site to investigate whether ditches/drains are blocked next week.


15/22. District Councillors report

Cllr. Bass reported the following:

  • New Finance Director starts next week
  • Local Development Plan – First part of hearing is complete and strategic housing allocation seems to be acceptable.  Cllr. Anfilogoff added that where an emerging Neighbourhood Plan is reaching submission stage, the Secretary of State has called in several planning applications and held them pending the examination.
  • Council Tax will increase by 11/2%
  • Elections – District Council is concerned that the three elections, General, District and Parish, on May 7th will cause confusion to the electorate


15/23. Public Question Time

Not required.


15/24. Planning Matters

a) Planning application received after agenda posted.

COUPA/MAL/15/00062 – Change of use of existing barn from carpentry to storage building. Building at Fairwinds, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting. It was agreed that the clerk would respond using delegated powers. Cllr. Bass to investigate previous history of this site.

b) Planning decisions received.

COUPA/MAL/14/01150 – Prior notification of a proposed change of use on and agricultural building to a dwelling at Drylands Nursery, Ulting had been refused.

c) FUL/MAL/14/01013 – Notification received from Maldon District Council that a planning application for a proposed outbuilding for storage of historic motor vehicles at Orchard Cottage, Langford had been withdrawn.

d) Tree Preservation Order No. 6/14, Willow Barn and land to the rear, Witham Road, Langford had been received.

e) Maldon District Council Planning Committee Governance Arrangements – Notification of changes made where any development of strategic or major interest would be considered and determined at an extraordinary meeting had been received.


15/25. Correspondence

a) Future Advice Services in the District – What do you think? – No response required.

b) Inter-Community Games – The Parish Council had previously decided not to participate.


15/26. Finance

a) The following cheque raised between meetings was ratified:

RCCE                                     £257.42                     Housing Needs Survey

b) Options for grasscutting at Langford and Ulting churchyards 2015/16. This item was deferred as Maldon District Council had not provided costs for the 2015 season.

c) Parish Council minutes – It was agreed that the minutes should be bound into hard back books at a cost of £13.00 each.

d) Streetlights – It was noted that there was an increase in the cost of components used from 1st April 2015.

e) The following cheque was raised and will be ratified at the next meeting:-

Maldon District Council              £78.00                     Churchyard grass cutting


15/27. Street Naming (Public Health Act, 1925, Section 17)

The Parish Council decided to comment on the proposed road name for the access road to the Waterworks. It was agreed that the name John Thresh Way should be suggested as an alternative to Thresh Close.


15/28. Braintree District Council Issues and Scoping document It was agreed that Cllr. Palmer would read the document and provide any response required to the clerk by 4th March 2015.


15/29. ECC Revision to Guide to Infrastructure Contributions for Developers It was agreed that Cllr. Allen would read the document and provide any response required to the clerk by 2nd March 2015.


15/30. Essex County Council Equalities Strategy

It was agreed that the Parish Council would not respond.


15/31. Hatfield Peverel Neighbourhood Plan

a) It was agreed that the Parish Council would not make any representation to Braintree District Council regarding the designation of the Neighbourhood Area.

b) It was agreed that the Parish Council would like to receive information from Hatfield Peverel Parish Council on the progress of their Plan.


15/32. Neighbourhood Plan

a) The Parish Council received an update on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan from Cllr. Anfilogoff. The Pre-submission Draft of the Plan is nearing completion.   We had a meeting with Ann Skippers last week and she is now working on finalising policies based upon the majority views generated by the surveys and public consultation meetings over the past two years.

The Housing Needs Survey had raised some questions and the Landscape Character Assessment was almost completed. Councillors were asked for any community aspirations that they would like to see included. It was agreed that a copy of the Pre-Submission draft would be circulated electronically before the next Parish Council meeting. Next stage is a six week consultation after which any responses will be analysed and adjustments made to the plan if necessary before it is submitted to Maldon District Council with accompanying Community Consultation and Basic Conditions Statements.

b) It was noted that the clerk had completed the End of Grant Monitoring Form which had been submitted 29th January 2015. The final target had not been achieved due to issues around drafting a housing policy.


15/33. Newsletter

This item was deferred as Cllr. Allen was awaiting an article about the Village Hall. It was agreed that the draft would be circulated electronically for councillor’s views.


15/34. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Deferred from January meeting - Emergency planning - Cllr. Perry to report on the current status of Parish Emergency Plan.


15/35. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th March 2015 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 9.20pm


Signed:                                                            (Chairman)     Date: