Those present: Cllr. Andrew Tween (In the chair), Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff, Richard Perry, Jenny Clemo (Clerk) and three members of the public.


1. The previous minutes of 22nd May 2012.

The minutes were read by the Chairman, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2. Matters arising.

a) 30mph speed limit, Crouchmans Farm Road – The section of road between Ulting Lane and Bumfords Lane does not comply with the policy.

b) Fingerpost – A new finger to the church had been installed.  

c) Ernest Doe traffic – It was noted that the fingerpost at The Green had not been removed.

d) Flood depth markers – An additional marker had been installed at Hoe Mill.

e) Shoots – Item in next newsletter.

f) Swarming bees – This is a natural phenomenon and nothing can be done.


3. Chairmans Report.

a) The year had been dominated by CML Microsystems’ planning application for 146 dwellings at Oval Park and the subsequent campaign, public meetings and responses to the planning department of Maldon District Council. A planning committee meeting in Maldon Town Hall last August, attended by members of the community, saw district councillors refuse permission on several grounds but the application has subsequently, been taken to appeal. The appeal hearing has been postponed until June 2013.

b) The new churchyard gate, donated by Mr Austin in memory of his late wife, was installed and some renovation work carried out to the fence. The renovation work was unfortunately not completed to a standard as high as had been hoped, due to the original contractor commissioned for the project passing the job to a sub-contractor, who proved to be less capable and very unreliable.

c) The finger post in the village had been repaired with a replacement finger indicating the direction of the church.

d) Broadband speed within parts of the parish continues to be an issue and residents were all encouraged to register the fact at www.superfastessex.org. The Parish Council will continue to look at any funding available that may help to improve the situation in the short term.

e) The possibility of creating official footpaths around the fishing lakes within the village had been looked at recently, primarily because many residents have walked the routes for some considerable time but the Parish Council decided that an agreement with the landowner would be preferable.

f) The Neighbourhood Plan is in progression under the chairmanship of Cllr. Anfilogoff. The Chairman thanked those residents who took time to complete and return the Community Information forms sent out with the autumn newsletter. Maldon District Council had acknowledged the Parish Council’s intention to produce the plan, the first of its kind in the district.

g) The newsletter continues to attract rave reviews from residents and local businesses alike and the chairman congratulated Cllr. Allen, the editor, on an excellent publication. Volume 2 issue 3 is currently being prepared and our entry into last year’s Essex Life community publication competition saw the newsletter shortlisted for an award for best newcomer. The first two years have been funded through sponsorship from CML Microsystems but the Parish Council is seeking new sponsors to enable this valuable publication to continue.

h) There had been a change of scenery at the village hall as inspections carried out last year on two large lime trees revealed extensive disease throughout so both had to be felled for safety reasons.

The Chairman thanked fellow councillors for their efforts throughout the year and the clerk, Jenny Clemo, for her sterling work and invaluable support and guidance.

It was noted that all parish meetings are open to the public and everyone is most welcome to attend. Details of all proceedings can be found on the village notice board as well as on the Parish Council website at www.essexinfo.net/langford-ulting


4. Items from the parishioners.

a) Broadband – The Superfast Essex Broadband project aims to provide Essex residents and businesses with broadband speed of at least 2Mbps by 2015 and 8Mbps by 2018.

b) Tyres dumped at Essex Water Company layby – Mr. Tomlins reported that Mrs. Burroughs had successfully asked for this eyesore to be removed.


Mr. Tomlins thanked the Parish Council for their work over the past year.

The Chairman thanked Mr. and Mrs. Tomlins for hosting this year’s Annual Parish Meeting.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.52pm.


Signed:                                             (Chairman)    Date: