Those present: Cllr. Irene Allen (In the chair), Vicky Anfilogoff, Katherine Palmer, Richard Perry, District Cllr. Mark Durham, Jenny Clemo (Clerk) and one member of the public.


1. The previous minutes of 3rd April 2012.

The minutes were taken as read, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2. Matters arising.

There were no matters arising.


3. Chairmans Report.

a) The past 12 months have been dominated by the shock planning application by CML Microsystems in January 2012, to develop Oval Park to the tune of 147 dwellings and our subsequent campaign, public meetings and responses to the planning department of MDC, to have the application refused. A planning committee meeting in Maldon Town Hall last August was well attended by members of the community and saw district councillors refuse permission on several grounds but as suspected, the application has been taken to appeal. The appeal hearing has been postponed until June 2013 but rest assured, the parish council will be keeping the community informed of the forthcoming proceedings and would invite as many as possible to attend.

b) Our hopes for a 30mph speed limit through the village were dashed earlier last year when the Highways department at Essex County Council decided to shelve all previous research into the change in a departmental reshuffle. However, this does not mean it will not happen, only that the inevitable and lengthy process of consultation and implementation has returned to square one.

c) Another lengthy process, to move the parish boundary and reintroduce six properties on the Heybridge border back to Langford continues at a snail’s pace but representations have been made to the necessary authorities and we are hopeful that the venture will eventually be successful.

d) Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff, on the other hand, is making considerable progress with her team on formulating the neighbourhood plan and I would like to thank all those residents who took time to complete and return the community information forms sent out with the autumn newsletter. The information gathered has been collated and Maldon District Council has acknowledged our intention to produce the plan, the first of its kind in the district.

e) The newsletter continues to attract rave reviews from residents and local businesses alike and I must, again, congratulate Cllr. Irene Allen on such an excellent publication. She is currently preparing volume 2 issue 3 and our entry into last year’s Essex Life community publication competition saw the newsletter shortlisted for an award for best newcomer. Sadly it didn’t win but many favourable comments were received at the awards ceremony, held in January, on the quality of the paper. The first two years have been funded through sponsorship from CML Microsystems but we are now seeking new sponsors to enable this valuable publication to continue.

e) Villagers may have noticed a change of scenery at the village hall as recent inspections carried out on the two large lime trees revealed extensive disease throughout so, sadly, both had to be felled for safety reasons.

f) Lastly, I would like to draw your attention to the excellent facility we have in the community shop, located at St Giles’ church, which is now open daily from 10am to 12 noon. Run purely by volunteers it provides a great service to the community, stocking local produce as well as regular commodities with many items available at prices considerably lower than those in the supermarkets. It has been operating successfully now for several years but the old adage, “use it or lose it” still applies.

My thanks, as always, go to my fellow councillors for their efforts throughout the year and to our clerk, Jenny Clemo, for her sterling work and invaluable support and guidance, and for keeping us all in check.  I would also mention that all parish meetings are open to the public and everyone is most welcome to attend. Details of all proceedings can be found on the village notice board as well as on the parish council’s website at www.essexinfo.net/langford-ulting


4. Items from the parishioners.

a) The member of the public thanked the Council for looking after Langford on behalf of fellow absent parishioners.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.45pm.


Signed:                                             (Chairman)    Date: