Those present: Cllr. Andrew Tween (In the chair), Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff, Katherine Palmer, Richard Perry, Jenny Clemo (Clerk) and four members of the public.


1. The previous minutes of 17th May 2011.

The minutes were taken as read, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2. Matters arising.

a) 30mph speed limit, Crouchmans Farm Road – Highways are carrying out a speed review on rural roads but the stretch of road between Ulting Lane and Bumfords Lane does not comply with the policy.

b) Fingerpost – The broken off finger had been found. Highways have been asked if it is possible to implement a repair.  

c) Ernest Doe traffic – It was noted that the fingerpost at The Green, Hatfield Peverel had not been removed.


3. Chairmans Report.

As is often the case with smaller communities little has changed over the past year. Highways is being pressed on the matter of the fingerpost repairs and the request for a 30mph limit onCrouchmans Farm Road. The Parish Council has been assured the broken “Ulting Church Only” finger will be replaced with a wooden alternative, but due to the high cost of a cast iron replacement no date has been forthcoming. With regard to the 30mph limit, Highways review on speed limits and a local inspection of the site are awaited before a final decision is made.

a) Quotations were received from several contractors regarding the repairs to the churchyard fence and Jerry Mecoy with Bonne & Son has now been awarded the contract. The work on the fence will be completed by the end of June. The high cost of this work being over and above the small reserves held by the council, made it necessary to raise this year’s precept. This is the first rise for several years and the Parish Council remains hopeful that the precept will not have to be increased again for some time.

b) Broadband reception within the heart of the village continues to be a problem with the upgrade of Hatfield Peverel telephone exchange by BT unlikely within the near future. A number of avenues have been explored to improve the situation. The cheapest option would be to use a local wireless system but the village lies in what is termed a “white spot” by the internet fraternity. This makes wireless reception impossible. Overhead or underground fibre optic cable connection would be extremely expensive to install and not viable for the few houses in Ulting.

Finally the Chairman extended his thanks and those of the other councillors, to the parish clerk, for her work throughout the year, her guidance to the council and her support of the village as a whole. John and Anna Tomlins were thanked for the use of their barn and all parishioners of Ulting for their continued support.


4. Items from the parishioners.

a) Ulting Churchyard fence – It was noted that the gate posts and gates are being donated by Mr. Austin.

b) Flooding – It was noted that flooding in the village is being exacerbated by developments further afield, particularly in flood plains. The clerk was asked to contact Highways regarding the depth markers at Hoe Mill which are not visible from the bridge.

c)Saleof cars on verge at Spring Lane junction – This is a continuing problem. The clerk was asked to contact Mr. Doe.

d) The Landscape Centre –BraintreeDistrict Council have confirmed that they will not prosecute at the current level of signage.

e) Bees – Several residents had experienced problems with swarms of bees. The clerk was asked to contact Environmental Health to see if there is any recourse.

f) Footpaths – A resident had been warned off the footpaths on Ulting Hall land when shooting was taking place. Clerk to contact Highways.

Mr. Tomlins thanked the Parish Council for their work over the past year.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.04pm.


Signed:                                             (Chairman)   Date: