Present:                       Councillors: Andrew Tween, Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff, Kathy Palmer and Richard Perry

In the Chair:                Councillor Andrew Tween

Clerk:                           Jenny Clemo

Also present:               Councillor Henry Bass (Maldon District Council), 1 member of the public.


12/18. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Durham who was attending a meeting at Maldon District Council.


12/19. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 3rd January 2012 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


12/20. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.


12/21. Matters for information from previous meetings

10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting – The defect order has the lowest priority and Highways were unable to provide a date when the arm will be replaced. Clerk to send Highways article in the newsletter relating to its historical significance.

10/82. Langford Boundary Change – Clerk had asked Roy Pipe whether he had got the final signature. Cllr. Allen to chase.

10/109c) 30mph speed limit – Langford: Clerk had spoken to Jon Simmonds. The review of speed limits in the district has been completed and he will contact the clerk by 9th March.

11/68. Potholes (various): All potholes were low priority non urgent defects and Highways were unable to provide a date when the carriageway would be repaired. Some work had been carried out inCrouchmans Farm Roadwhere the recent repair had caused additional flooding.

11/128. Essex Legacy 2012 Celebrations – Cllr. Anfilogoff had looked at the paperwork involved but too many conditions had to be satisfied.

12/04. The Landscape Centre – Braintree District Council does not consider it necessary to prosecute as the impact on amenity is insufficient. Clerk to ask Jon Simmonds the result of Highways site visit. Cllr. Anfilogoff suggested that a councillor should visit the site.

11/125. Roadside car sales – Cars are still intermittently for sale at the junction ofHatfield Roadand Spring Lane. Clerk to report.


12/22. District Councillors report

a) The Landscape Centre – Cllr. Bass believes that the large sign needs permission.

b) New Waste Contract – Plastic and food waste will be collected from April.

c) Planning Department – Interim Head of Planning Services will take over from Jennifer Candler.

d) Staffing – Problems are ongoing.


It was agreed that Item 12/30 on the agenda should be discussed at this point.


12/30. Proposed Oval Park development

Cllr. Anfilogoff reported on the discussions and findings of the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group with regard to the proposed 150 dwellings at OvalPark. It was agreed that the Parish Council would join the Steering Group to discuss points to be raised at a meeting with Capita Symonds and Countryside Properties. This meeting is to be held on Monday 12th March at The Millhouse at 7.30pm. Cllr. Anfilogoff to arrange a meeting with Capita Symonds and Countryside Properties. Date proposed Friday 16th March at 2pm (to be confirmed).


At this point, Cllr. Bass left the meeting.


12/23. Public Question Time

  • Diamond Jubilee celebrations – The Parish Council are not organising an event. It was noted that the village picnic is to be held on Sunday 8th July.
  • OvalPark– A member of the public stated that the proposed development is contrary to CML’s original reasons for moving to Langford.

12/24. Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received:

TCA/MAL/12/00103 – Zone 2 – Tree set 2 Ash – re-coppice. Plan B T1 Plums – remove and replace. T2 Mulberry – Crown lift to 2m, late December 2012. T7 Apple – prune to reduce crown congestion and over-reaching branches, up to 1 third in length and amount thinned. Church Cottage,Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting. The Parish Council had no objections.

b) Planning decisions received:

None received.


12/25. Correspondence

a) Essex County Council Civil Service, All Saints Church, Maldon – Sunday 29th April at 3pm. It was agreed that Cllr. Allen would attend.

b) Equality Act 2010 – Setting of Equality Objectives: Maldon District Council had requested the Parish Council’s views on their draft points. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not respond.

c) 2012 Essex Village of the Year and Best Kept Village Competition. It was agreed that neither village would be entered.

d) Best Kept Churchyard Competition 2012. It was agreed that Cllr. Allen would look at the information provided and possibly enter St. Giles, Langford.


General correspondence to note:

Ÿ         Local Highways Panel – Minutes of meeting held 13th January 2012. It was noted that Cllr. Edwards had asked Stuart Jennings to reinstate the closure of the lay-by,Hatfield Road, Ulting.

Ÿ         Review of Polling Districts and Polling – Consultation documents received. No changes to be made to Langford or Ulting.

Ÿ         Equestrian use of agricultural land – Letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Cant regarding sale of Home Farm. This was noted.

Ÿ         Braintree District Core Strategy – Notification of adoption had been received.


12/26. Finance

a) Authorisation of payments to:- Mrs. J. Clemo £202.40, Clerk’s salary; Post Office Ltd £50.60, PAYE; Mrs. J. Clemo £150.27, expenses; Maldon District Council £126.48, 2 x uncontested elections; Mrs. V. Anfilogoff £35.00 re: Community Led Planning Network subscription.

b) A cheque payable to Alphaprint for £360.00 was also raised. This will be ratified at the next meeting. Cllr. Allen to query invoice as £338 had been quoted previously.

c) VAT Return – Clerk had completed annual claim for refund.


12/27. Ulting Churchyard Fence and Gate

a) Cllr. Tween had met Mr. Mecoy to discuss the work required. Mr. Mecoy agreed to prepare another quotation to include lifting the posts and leveling the ground using a digger. It was agreed that Cllr. Tween should contact Mr. Lyon and ask him to prepare an equivalent quotation. An offer to replace the gate and gate posts had been received from Mr. Austin.

b) A further offer of a contribution towards repair of the fence to the west had been received from a church member.


12/28. Langford Streetlights

The following quotations had been received:

A & J Lighting Solutions          Philips SGS 252 70w Lantern + bracket       

P.H. Coote Ltd                         5 x Phosco P567A 42w                                 

                                                5 x Phosco P567A 57w  

                                                5 x Phosco P567A 50w sonT                        

S.E.C.                                       5 x Phillips SRS201 90w                                 

It was agreed that the clerk should find out whether pole brackets would be required for P.H.Coote and S.E.C. fittings and to ask A & J Lighting Solutions to quote for a suitable fitting that would not require new pole brackets.


12/29. Rural Broadband

Cllr. Palmer had attending the Funding Workshop on 15th February, unfortunately Big Lottery Funding has to address a social problem. The Government has given Essex County Council £8M to upgrade rural community broadband. Cllr. Palmer had spoken to Sian Shordan (ECC) who stated that a review is currently being carried out. Ulting is a “white spot” and should therefore benefit from this funding with no cost to the Parish Council.


12/30. Proposed Oval Park development

Discussed after item 12/22. (see above)


12/31. Maldon District Local Development Plan

NW Planning Workshop is to be held on Wednesday 25th April at Goldhanger Village Hall at 7pm. Cllrs. Allen, Anfilogoff, Palmer and Tween and the clerk would like to attend.

12/32. Community Transport

Cllr. Perry reported that currently two parishioners are signed up to the Viking Community Transport Scheme. Membership is £15 per year and members can book up to two journeys a week. Councillors were also reminded that the Dengie Dart, a service from the Dengie toSt. PetersandBroomfieldhospitals, could be used too. Leaflets for both services to be circulated with next newsletter.


12/33.  Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

a) Update from Cllr. Anfilogoff – This was covered in item 12/30.   

b) The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group had joined the Community Led Planning Network. Cost of membership is £35.00.                                                                      


12/34. Footpaths

a) Items for P3 Return – to be carried forward.

b) Notification of P3 Training Sessions had been received. Cllr. Allen to attend.


12/35. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Footpaths


12/36. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd April 2012 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 10.00pm.


Signed:                                                                                  Date: