Those present: Cllr. Andrew Tween (In the chair), Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff, Katherine Palmer, Richard Perry, Jenny Clemo (Clerk) and two members of the public.


1. The previous minutes of 5th April 2011.

The minutes were taken as read, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2. Matters arising.

There were no matters arising.


3. Chairmans Report.

a) Following the resignation of all three Langford parish councillors last year, two of whom had served the village as councillors for many years and both as chairman at different times, it fell to me as the longest serving councillor to take up the reins, by default. However, the new council was quickly formed, following the May elections with three new faces bringing a fresh look and new ideas to the task of representing the village. I would therefore firstly like to thank all three, Irene Allen, Vicky Anfiligoff and Richard Perry for their efforts and support over the last year.

b) Having received the final resolution to the long running planning appeal for the Langford water works site, albeit the outcome not quite as the village had hoped, the year began relatively quietly. Few planning applications were received although with the theft of the village hall mower and the arson attack to the small storage shed adjacent to the old coach house in recent years the village hall committee were successful in their application for a new purpose built storage facility. This was completed in a very short space of time during the school summer break.

c) The suggested boundary change between the Langford and Heybridge parishes continues with all affected residents now in agreement to the proposal, which will bring six properties back inside the Langford boundary. Following receipt of the necessary signatures from all interested parties, the proposal can now be submitted for acceptance by Heybridge Parish Council, Maldon District Council and the Boundary Commission.

d) We have also had confirmation that the 40mph speed limit through the village will be reduced to 30mph at some time in the near future. The same limit will also be extended alongWitham Road, although the extent of the limit either side of the village has yet to be finalised.

e) A new look newsletter was introduced during the year of which two issues have now been published. Under the expert editorship of the council’s vice chairman, Irene Allen, who also secured sponsorship from CML Microsystems Ltd to fund the printing, it has features on individual councillors and local businesses as well as interesting historical articles about the village and surrounding areas. A complete calendar of forthcoming events is included and it is planned to publish the newsletter once every 4 months so long as future funding can be secured.

f) Failures of the small number of streetlights in the village have been occurring with increased regularity and at great expense to the village when the emergency call out charge is added to the cost of repair. The decision has therefore been taken to renew some of the lights at the next programmed maintenance inspection. The initial outlay for this work has resulted in a necessary increase in the annual precept for this year which I am sure all residents have noticed on their council tax bills. It will however benefit the village overall as the failures and costly emergency call outs will be avoided in the future.

g) January began with the surprise revelation that a new planning proposal was in the pipeline forOvalPark. I am aware that a planning application has just been submitted to Maldon District Council but as the actual details are not yet available I am unable to comment further at this stage.

Finally I would like to extend my thanks and those of my fellow councillors, to our parish clerk, Jenny Clemo for her excellent work throughout the year, for her guidance to the council and her support of the village as a whole.


4. Items from the parishioners.

a) It was noted that there was some activity with regard to the installation of various services on land owned by Mr. Robottom.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.49pm.


Signed:                                             (Chairman)   Date: