Present:                       Councillors: Andrew Tween, Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff and Kathy Palmer

In the Chair:                Councillor Andrew Tween

Clerk:                          Jenny Clemo

Also present:              1 member of the public



12/92.Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Perry who was on holiday and Cllrs. Bass andDurham.


12/93. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 22nd May 2012 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


12/94. Minutes of the extraordinary meeting called by the Chairman to discuss Ulting Churchyard Fence

The minutes of 13th June 2012 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


12/95. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.


12/96. Matters for information from previous meetings

10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting – Highways had removed the remaining part of the finger from the signpost and had stated that they would attempt a repair.

12/04. The Landscape Centre – Essex County Council had instigated enforcement action. Clerk to make enquiries regarding progress.

11/125. Roadside car sales – Ernest Doe & Sons’ property maintenance manager to speak to their tenant regarding car sales outside Waveney,Hatfield Road. Further cars for sale have appeared opposite Elm Cottages. Cllr. Tween to report to Trading Standards.

12/44a)EssexCountyCouncil Choral Evensong – Cllr. Allen and guest attended this event.

12/80b) Streetlight electricity – The clerk confirmed that the increase was due to the inventory submitted 1/1/11 which e-on had implemented April 2012. There had been no price increase.

12/80c) CPRE – It was agreed that the Parish Council would not re-join as CPRE could not guarantee that they would be able to assist in opposing theOvalParkplanning application.


12/97. District Councillors report

No report received.


12/98. Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).

  • Complaint received regarding Footpath 4 - Cllr. Tween to investigate.
  • Complaint received regarding overhanging trees and rose bush when exiting Village Hall.


12/99. Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received: FUL/MAL/12/00494 – Fencing adjacent to Village Hall. Langford & Ulting Village Hall,Maldon Road, Langford. The Parish Council had no objections.

b) Planning decisions received: None received.


12/100. Correspondence

a) RCCE Annual General Meeting – To be held Thursday 5th July,WrittleCollege, 7pm. No one available to attend.

b) Street Materials Guide – It was noted that a copy of the approved document had been received from Essex County Council.

General correspondence to note:

Ÿ         Local Highways Panel - New panel no longer includes representatives from Town and Parish Councils, instead there will be two representatives from each Area Planning Committee. Clerk to circulate minutes of meeting.

Ÿ         NW Planning Workshop on Wednesday 18th July at Goldhanger, 7pm – Local Development Plan. Cllrs. Allen, Anfilogoff and Tween and the clerk to attend.

Ÿ         Area Planning Committees – Terms of Reference received to which minor revisions have been made to the Ward Member ‘call in’ facility and factors influencing whether an application is referred to an Area Planning Committee for determination.


12/101. Finance

a) The following payments were authorised:-

alphaprint                    £338.00           Newsletter;

RCCE                         £40.00           Annual subscription

Mr. A. Marks               £15.52           Mower petrol;

Mr. J. Clemo             £177.00           Langford churchyard;

Mrs. J. Clemo             £300.00           Clerk’s salary.

b) Northumbrian Water – An invoice for £50.00, half yearly rent commencing 7th June had been received. Clerk querying this with VHMC treasurer.

c) A cheque payable to Mr. A. Robinson for £186.20 was also raised. This will be ratified at the next meeting.


12/102. Ulting Churchyard fence and gate

Mr. Austin had offered the Parish Council a donation which would cover the cost of replacing the gate and gate posts on the understanding that the work would be carried out by Bakers of Danbury. This was agreed.


12/103. Footpaths

Notification that the Parish Council had been removed from the P3 scheme had been received.


12/104. Proposed development at Oval Park

a) Capita Symonds had submitted amended plans, details of which have not as yet been received. Cllr. Tween had emailed Cllr. Durham regarding concerns about the lack of communication from the planning department. Cllr. Anfilogoff had received copies of the amended plans from David Maxwell.

b) Representation at North West Area Planning committee meeting – Marcus Shingler had confirmed that determination had been deferred to the committee meeting on Monday 6th August. It was agreed that Cllr. Tween would speak at this meeting.


12/105. Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 5th July when a draft questionnaire to gather information will be discussed. Cllr. Anfilogoff to attend RCCE/Planning Aid training on Neighbourhood Plans on Saturday 14th July.



12/106. Newsletter

a) Broadband issues – Encourage parishioners to register on and email Cllr. Palmer to look at

b) Article on Neighbourhood Plan

c) Article on Humphrey Spender


12/107. Proposed Langford Boundary Change

Signed agreement forms had all been received. Clerk to find previous correspondence and contact Priti Patel (MP) for advice.


12/108. EALC annual competitions

It was agreed that the newsletter should be entered.

12/109. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

Making the Links and EALC AGM – Thursday 27th September at 1.30pm. Clerk to check whether Cllr. Perry is able to attend.


12/110. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th September 2012 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 8.45pm.


Signed:                                                          (Chairman)     Date: