Present: Councillors: Andrew Tween, Vicky Anfilogoff, Kathy Palmer and Richard Perry
In the Chair: Councillor Andrew Tween
Clerk: Jenny Clemo
Also present: Councillor Henry Bass (Maldon District Council), David Maxwell
(Capita Symonds), John Chesterman (CML shareholder),
Catherine Brooking (Countryside Properties) and 25 members of
the public.
Cllr. Tween welcomed members of the public to the meeting. He introduced the parish councillors and summarised the reasons for inviting representatives of CML to the meeting. John Chesterman began the presentation by outlining CML’s business position. As there is no current demand for industrial premises, CML had decided, in partnership with Countryside Properties, to look at building residential properties on their 30 acre site. David Maxwell then gave a brief planning history of the site and stated that because the district does not have a sufficient 5 year housing site supply, current government policy requires council’s to consider alternative uses for surplus employment land. Catherine Brooking concluded the presentation by showing how the proposed housing layout had been developed allowing for the constraints of the site. Parishioners were then invited to ask questions.
Members of the public and visitors left the hall and the Council meeting commenced at 8.50pm.
12/01. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Allen who was unwell.
12/02. Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of 29th November 2011 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.
12/03. Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
12/04. Matters for information from previous meetings
10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting – A defect order had been raised in June, clerk to chase.
10/82. Langford Boundary Change – Occupants of properties involved are all in agreement, although one resident has not signed as yet.
10/109c) 30mph speed limit – Langford: Clerk had sent copies of paperwork to Cllr. M. Edwards as agreed at the previous meeting.
11/68. Potholes (various): Clerk had emailed Highways regarding numerous potholes inUlting Lane,Ulting Hall LaneandChurch Road, Ulting. Clerk to find out status of requests. It was noted that the repairs carried out inCrouchmans Farm Roadhad not solved the problem. Clerk to email Cllr. R. Bass.
11/128b) Saturday Garden Waste Collections – Cllr. Bass reported that this service is very expensive per head as few people use it. Alternatives are being considered.
11/128. Essex Legacy 2012 Celebrations – Cllr. Anfilogoff to consider application for a grant to enhance the village picnic.
The Landscape Centre – Response received from Braintree District Council. Clerk to write again.
12/05. District Councillor’s report
a) Council Tax – Maldon District Council has not increased their charge for 2012/13.
b) Local Development Plan – As yet, the government’s attitude to planning has not changed.
c) Staffing – Head of Planning Services has resigned.
d)OvalPark– Cllr. Bass agreed that he would find out the reasoning behind the decision that an Environmental Impact Assessment was not required.
12/06. Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).
Not required.
12/07. Planning Matters
a) Planning applications received:
None received.
b) For information: SOR/MAL/11/01075 – Request for a formal screening opinion on the possible requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment in relation to: Proposed development for up to 150 dwellings, associated means of access, internal road network, public open space and associated ancillary development. Retain and safeguard land that can deliver employment floor space at a future date.OvalPark,Hatfield Road, Langford.
c) Planning decisions received:
SOR/MAL/11/01075 (as above) – No Environmental Impact Assessment required.
TCA/MAL/11/01019 – Removal of three Sycamore trees,Museum ofPower was allowed to proceed.
12/08. Correspondence
a) Housing targets for the Heart of Essex – Consultation workshop to be held at Hylands House, 10th January 2012. Cllr. Anfilogoff to attend.
General correspondence to note:
 Local Highways Panel – Constitution and terms of reference circulated in Correspondence file.
 Swan Care and Repair – Information passed to Cllr. Allen for possible inclusion in newsletter.
 SaturdayGardenWaste Collections – Final decision to be made at Full Council meeting on 9th February.
 Chelmsfordeffluent pipeline – Notification of investigations on foot with regard to a proposed upgrade had been received from Essex & Suffolk Water.
12/09. Finance
a) Authorisation of payments to:- Mrs. J. Clemo £202.40, clerk’s salary; Post Office Ltd £50.60, PAYE; Mrs. J. Clemo £175.00, clerk’s expenses; SLCC £61.00, annual subscription.
b) Consideration of Annual Parish Precept 2012/13 - A precept of £6700 was agreed. Major expenditure proposed includes the replacement of six streetlights at a cost of approximately £1300 and the gate at Ulting churchyard. Repairs to both Langford and Ulting churchyard fences are also required. The newsletter in its new form depends on gaining further funding.
12/10. Ulting Churchyard Fence and Gate
Cllr. Tween had arranged a meeting with Mr. Mecoy at the end of January and will also contact Mr. Lyon to arrange a meeting with him.
12/11. Langford Streetlights
It was agreed that the six streetlights that have not yet been replaced should be replaced at the next annual maintenance visit. It was noted that the streetlight oppositeWitham Roadjunction is out.
12/12. Rural Broadband
Cllr. Tween had been unable to contact Lloyd Felton. It was agreed that the Parish Plan questionnaire should ask residents of Ulting whether they would be interested in this service. Further to this, Cllr. Tween stated that due to work pressure he was unable to continue as a member of the Parish Plan group and Cllr. Anfilogoff agreed that she would take over this responsibility.
12/13. Newsletter
It was agreed that the current format should be retained as too much advertising detracts from the content.
12/14. Maldon District Local Development Plan
Cllr. Perry and the clerk agreed that they would attend the next NW Planning Workshop which is to be held on Wednesday 18th January in Goldhanger Village Hall at 7pm. Cllrs. Allen and Palmer to confirm whether they would be able to attend.
12/15. Footpaths
Clerk to check that Cllr. Allen has received the P3 Return.
12/16. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)
12/17. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th March 2012 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 10.35pm.
Signed: Date: