Those present: Roy Pipe (In the chair), Andrew Tween, Katherine Palmer, Jenny Clemo and 7 members of the public.


1. The previous minutes of 25th May 2010.

The minutes having been previously circulated to councillors were taken as read, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


2. Matters arising.

a) Langford Waterworks Site - Planning permission has been granted for 11 detached houses. Due to problems over access which have now been resolved, building work has not as yet commenced.

b) Annual Meeting Notice - The annual meeting did not coincide with the publication of a newsletter and had not been advertised in “Village News” in the local newspaper.  


3. Chairmans Report.

This is my final report as I chose not to stand for re-election at the recent elections. I felt it was time for new faces and fresh ideas. Ulting are fortunate to have continuity with Kathy and Andrew both remaining. I am sure they will carry on the good work on behalf of the village. With David Robinson retiring as well, (after a very long time serving the people of Langford) and Leigh Daynes retiring due to pressure of work, Langford will have three brand new councillors, who, I am sure, will continue to work for the benefit of both villages.

In the last 12 months the 3 tonne weight restriction at Hoe Mill Bridge has been implemented. We are still working on a 30mph speed limit for Crouchmans Farm Road. Highways, who say that it does not comply with their Speed Management Strategy, have agreed to include this location when they carry out a speed review of rural routes in the District.

Highways will replace the broken fingerpost opposite The Old School with a wooden one. We had hoped Tony Martin would recover sufficiently to make a metal replacement, however, he is unlikely to be able to do this.

The new owner of Southlands Farm and Carter & Ward have done some clearance work on the disused water course in Ulting Lane. The tree work carried out by EDF in this area was to comply with new regulations as trees near the fishing lake were being set on fire by the power lines.

The Parish Council is seeking quotations for the replacement of the gate and repairs to the fence at Ulting Church. We are still having trouble at the church with large numbers of picnickers. In the first instance this is disrespectful in consecrated grounds and secondly, they are rude to Alan Robinson when he is trying to cut the grass.

There have been three planning applications during the year and Cllr Andrew Tween, with representatives from both villages, is working on the new Parish Plan.

Finally a reminder that Priti Patel MP will be attending a meeting on 31st May at the Village Hall.

On behalf of the entire Council, I thank you for your support over the years.


4. Items from the parishioners.

a) Churchyard Fence / Gates - Mr. Tomlins asked how much money the Parish Council has available. Reserves amount to £1,000, of which only a small sum is required to repair Langford churchyard fence.

b) 30mph speed limit - The Parish Council had requested the speed limit from the junction with Ulting Lane to the junction with Bumfords Lane. Highways response had been that there must be continuous houses on both sides of the carriageway for a minimum distance of 350 metres. Cllr. Roy Pipe pointed out that Essex County Council are trying to be more realistic and will look at each case on its own merits.

c) Doe’s traffic - A parishioner commented that more lorries get lost and drive down Crouchmans Farm Road prior to the Does’ Show. It was agreed that Highways should be asked to reinstate the Doe’s Corner finger on the fingerpost at The Green.

d) Chelmer & Blackwater Canal - A request to make a proper cycleway along the towpath was received.

e) Mr. Tomlins proposed a vote of thanks to the Parish Council and the retiring Chairman.


The Tomlins were thanked for the use of the barn.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.55pm.