Present:                       Councillors: Roy Pipe, Irene Allen, Vicky Anfilogoff, Richard Perry and Andrew Tween. (+Kathy Palmer after co-option)

In the Chair:                Councillor Roy Pipe then Councillor Andrew Tween.

Clerk:                          Jenny Clemo

Also present:              5 members of the public.


11/41. Declarations of Acceptance of Office

Declarations were signed by all members present.


11/42. Election of Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr. Roy Pipe, seconded by Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff that Cllr. Andrew Tween would be Chairman for the year. This was agreed and a Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.


Cllr. Andrew Tween thanked Cllr. Roy Pipe and presented him with a willow obelisk, (produced and manufactured in Langford and Ulting), as a token of his years of excellence service as a Langford Parish Councillor over the last 16 years.


11/43. Councillor Vacancy - Ulting

The clerk had advertised the vacancy for a councillor caused by an insufficient number of people standing for election. It was noted that only one response had been received It was therefore agreed that Kathy Palmer should be co-opted to fill the vacancy. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.


11/44. Election of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff, seconded by Cllr. Kathy Palmer that Cllr. Irene Allen would be Vice Chairman for the year. This was agreed.


11/45. Appointments to committees

It was agreed that the planning representatives would be:

Langford:   Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff and Cllr. Richard Perry

Ulting:   Cllr. Andrew Tween and Cllr. Katherine Palmer

Other appointments were agreed as follows:

Emergency Planning Officer: Cllr. Richard Perry                                       

Footpath Representative: Cllr. Irene Allen

Passenger Transport Representative: Left vacant due to Cllr’s work commitments

Village Correspondent: Cllr. Kathy Palmer

Newsletter: Cllr. Kathy Palmer

Parish Plan: Cllr. Andrew Tween and Cllr. Vicky Anfilogoff

Highways Localism Panel: It was agreed that Cllr. Andrew Tween would be nominated if the opportunity arises.


11/46. Apologies for absence

No apologies for absence were received.


11/47. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 5th April 2011 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.

11/48. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.


11/49.  Matters for information from previous meetings

10/06a) Ditches along Water Co. land - This matter has been passed to Highways.

10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting - Roy Pipe reported that Tony Martin will not be able to cast a new finger. In addition, Cllr. Andrew Tween had spoken to the blacksmith at Damases Lane whose cost would be between £1,500 and £2,000. Clerk to contact Highways as neither option is viable.  

10/82. Langford Boundary Change - Roy Pipe reported that he has now acquired signatures from four of the property owners. The remaining signatures required should be achieved by the end of May.

10/92b) Priti Patel meeting - Cllr. Kathy Palmer to publish a newsletter to include an invitation to the meeting with Priti Patel on Tuesday 31st May, new councillor details and the village picnic date.

10/139. Ulting Lane green - Item carried forward as work not yet completed.

11/35c) HMRC - The Parish Council is registered as an employer. Clerk is having difficulties filing a P46 due to software issues.

11/37. 30mph speed limit, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting - No response from Highways / Cllr. Norman Hume. Clerk to chase.


11/50. District Councillors report

District Councillors to take up their positions Thursday 19th May 2011.


11/51. Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes).

a) Land for Sale, opposite The Elms - A parishioner volunteered to acquire the details.

b) Air crash - Several parishioners had expressed concern over the recent crash. A light aircraft engaged in aerobatics had crashed into the fishing lake near the waterworks houses. Clerk to write to the Civil Aviation Authority.

c) Museum of Power - Patrick Chaplin had asked whether the Parish Council would support an application for an additional sign. Comments to be made when application received from Maldon District Council.


11/52. Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

HOUSE/MAL/11/00315 - Proposed single storey extension to existing bungalow to provide additional bedrooms and family space for tenant in residence. Fairwinds Poultry Farm, Crouchmans Farm Road. No objections to be made.

b) Planning decisions received.

None received.


11/53. Correspondence

General correspondence to note:

Ÿ         Travellers - Notification of possible unauthorised access to Maypole Road agricultural plots over Bank Holiday weekends had been received. Useful contact numbers had been provided.

Ÿ         Dengie Dart - Service to improve access to St. Peter’s and Broomfield Hospitals. Launch 20th May, Broomfield Hospital at 10.30am. Clerk to find out whether Langford and Ulting parishioners will be able to use this service.


11/54. Finance

a) The following payments were authorised:- A&J Lighting Solutions £20.52, streetlight maintenance (Apr); EALC £87.92, annual affiliation fee; Maldon District Council £15.00, contribution to Parish Clerk‘s Forum; Mr. A. Marks £23.16, Ulting Lane green petrol ; Came & Company £419.47, annual insurance premium.  

b) Annual audit - The Annual Return had been received from the Audit Commission. Statutory notices are displayed on notice boards.   Interested persons may exercise their rights on or after 20th June.

c) The accounts for year ending 31st March 2011 and the Annual Governance Statement were approved and then signed by Cllr. Andrew Tween and the clerk. Internal audit to be completed 22nd May.

d) Appointment of Bankers - Personal details forms circulated for completion and return to the clerk.


11/55. Langford and Ulting Churchyard Fences and Ulting Churchyard gate

Quotations not yet received. Item carried forward.


11/56. Parish Transportation Group

Email received from secretary of group. Several parishes have pulled out and the last meeting was cancelled. It was agreed that communication by e-mail when developments occur was sufficient at the current time. Clerk to respond.


11/57. Village Hall Store

The Village Hall Management Committee have had plans prepared for a secure store to the rear of the Village Hall. They have secured grant funding of £11,600 and can fund the balance. Their preferred builder will be able to complete the work during the school summer holiday. It was agreed that permission should be given to the Village Hall Management Committee to carry out the work.


11/58. Coach House

The Village Hall Management Committee are considering renegotiating a 10 year lease directly with the Water company.


11/59. Rural Broadband

It was agreed that the Parish Council should register with the Rural Broadband Partnership.


11/60. Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge

It was agreed that this should be considered with regard to the Village Hall land and possibly Ulting Lane green. Clerk to forward details to John Tomlins in the first instance.


11/61. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Priti Patel meeting: Local Issues, public question time.


11/62. Dates of next meetings

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 31st May 2011 (Priti Patel), followed by an ordinary Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 5th July 2011, both at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 9.50pm.



Signed:                                                 (Chairman)    Date: