Those present: Cllrs. Andrew Tween (In the chair), Leigh Daynes, David Robinson, Katherine Palmer, Jenny Clemo (Clerk), Sheila Young (District Councillor) and one member of the public.

1. The previous minutes of 5th May 2010.

The minutes were taken as read, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

2. Matters arising.

There were no matters arising.

3. Chairman’s Report.

Cllr. Andrew Tween read the following report provided by Cllr. Roy Pipe.

a) The highlight of the year must be the culmination of the saga of the “Langford Waterworks Site.” It must be about 4 years that the Council and residents of Langford & Ulting have been striving to prevent the implementation of the light industrial units on the site. In brief, the site was originally intended to be for “High Tech” use. A use that two planning inspectors had strongly stated that this was the only industrial use suitable for the site. When the light industrial application came in we immediately called a public meeting which was packed to the rafters. We managed to persuade Councillors to refuse the application despite the officers recommending approval. We then lost the appeal despite putting up a strong case. 

Then the recession came to the rescue. Obviously, Ian Robottom, who had since purchased the land, was going to have difficulty letting or selling industrial units for some years to come. He, to his credit, listened to local residents and the Council and took up their suggestion of a Care Home on the site with long term units on the smaller part. With strong support from the Councillors, again against officers recommendations, the home was approved subject to the Health & Safety Executive not calling it in due to the quantity of chlorine stored at the water company. This proved to be the case, it was called in (only the sixth application in the country to be called in over 30 years).

Back to square one. We suggested to Ian Robottom that he applied for five detached houses on the smaller part of the site as the Care Home long term units were not approved by the Council and the application, at that time, had not been called in. This was successful and following the loss of the main Care Home on the other part, we supported an application for a further six detached 4 and 5 bedroom houses. This was again passed. We must thank the District Councillors for continually supporting us despite policy being that no properties were to be built in Langford. We now await building to commence.

b) Other matters that have come to fruition over the last year include the “Village Gateways” which are attractive and draw attention to motorists that they are entering a built up area. We also have the permanent speed signs which seem to slow some drivers down but have no effect of a large number. 

c) We have continued, through the “Parishes Transportation Group” to push for a bypass and have managed to arrange for Priti Patel to meet the parishes.

d) We are currently looking at the repairs needed to the St. Giles Church fence and will be seeking quotations although, on inspection, there is really only the need to replace individual slats.

e) We are currently revisiting the village boundary. If the six property owners all confirm that they wish to be in Langford, as they were originally, we will be seeking the agreement of Heybridge Parish Council, Maldon District Council and, ultimately, The Boundary Commission.

This will be my last report as I will not be standing for re-election in May and David Robinson and Leigh Daynes are both standing down. We thank them for their work in the village. David has been a long serving Councillor of many years. Fortunately, we have had three villagers volunteer to stand.

Councillors present also thanked Cllr Roy Pipe for the work he has done in the village.

4. Items from the parishioners.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.46pm.