Present: Councillors: Leigh Daynes, Kathy Palmer, David Robinson and Andrew Tween.


In the Chair: Councillor Andrew Tween.


Clerk: Jenny Clemo


Also present: Cllr. Sheila Young and 1 member of the public.


11/27. Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Roy Pipe.


11/28. Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of 15th February 2011 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


11/29. Declarations of Interest


No interests were declared.


11/30. Matters for information from previous meetings


10/06a) Ditches along Water Co. land - Cllr. Roy Pipe had met Mr. Robottom regarding clearance of the ditches. Mr. Robottom is adamant that the ditches were not transferred to him when he purchased the land. The clerk has provided Highways with Savills’ and Mr. Robottom’s addresses and they will serve a 28 day notice on the landowner.


10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting - Cllr. Andrew Tween to find out whether the blacksmith at Damases Lane does casting.


10/82. Langford Boundary Change - Cllr R. Pipe has acquired signatures from three of the property owners. He is still pursuing the others.


10/92b) Priti Patel - Confirmation that she will be able to come to our meeting on the 31st May had been received.


10/139. Ulting Lane green - Reply received from occupants of No. 6 stating that they have asked their builders to reinstate the green, once work has been completed.


11/31. District Councillor’s report


a) Spending cuts - Maldon District Council is in quite a good financial position because they have always acted prudently.


b) Localism Bill / “Big Society” - Government aim is to allow Parish Councils to have more say in their local area. District Councils may be delegating more powers to local councils. Cllr. David Robinson asked whether Parish Councils will be given power to decide minor planning applications.


c) Partnerships - These are working for Maldon District Council and save money.


Cllr. Sheila Young concluded by stating that she will not be standing for re-election.


Cllr. Andrew Tween thanked her on behalf of the Parish Council for her assistance and support with Parish matters and for attending Parish Council meetings over the sixteen years she has been District Councillor.


11/32. Public Question Time


Mr. Chaplin thanked Cllrs. David Robinson (32 years service), Roy Pipe (16 years) and Leigh Daynes (4 years) for their work on the Parish Council on behalf of the people of Langford. Cllr. David Robinson responded by thanking Albert for attending meetings so regularly.


11/33. Planning Matters


a) Planning applications received.


NMA/MAL/11/00108 - Application for non-material amendment following grant of planning permission for erection of six houses with attendant garages (FUL/MAL/10/00981);


NMA/MAL/11/00109 - Application for non-material amendment following grant of planning permission for four detached houses with private garages and access (FUL/MAL/10/00261);


NMA/MAL/11/00110 - Application for non-material amendment following grant of planning permission one detached house with private garage and access (FUL/MAL/10/00260);


All above: Land adjacent to Langford Waterworks, Hatfield Road, Langford.


All the above were approved.


b) Planning decisions received.


FUL/MAL/11/00020 - Extend time limit for implementation of approval FUL/MAL/08/00273 (First floor extension over existing ground floor structure). Elmcott, Hatfield Road, Ulting was approved.


c) Porta-Loo at Fishing Lake - Notification from Maldon District Council Planning Department that there is no breach of planning control had been received. Cllr. David Robinson and Jenny Clemo had met the bailiff and reached agreement on the siting of the Porta-loo. The bailiff also agreed that they would install a green one rather than the current bright blue.


11/34. Correspondence


a) Essex Village of the Year and Best Kept Village Competition - It was agreed that Langford and Ulting would not enter.


b) Best Kept Churchyard Competition - It was agreed that Langford and Ulting would not enter.


c) General correspondence to note:


Highways and Transportation update with new contact details had been received.

Notification of Passenger Transport Representative meeting, 12th April, Carmelite House at 2pm had been received. No one able to attend.

English National Concessionary Travel Scheme update had been received.

Essex County Council Consultation: Street Materials Guide, Design and Good Practice. Response required by 29th April. Cllr. Andrew Tween to peruse.

Woodham Walter Annual Meeting, 11th April, Woodham Walter Village Hall at 8pm. Cllr. Kathy Palmer to attend.


11/35. Finance


a) The following payments were authorised:- A&J Lighting Solutions £20.52, streetlight maintenance (Mar); Chelmer Canal Trust £20.00, annual subscription. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not rejoin CPRE.


b) Receipt of £110.17, VAT reclaimed from HMRC, was noted.


c) Notification of HMRC requirement that Parish Councils must register as an employer and operate PAYE on income earnt by clerk had been received. It was agreed that the clerk should investigate the cost of using a payroll service. Cllr. Sheila Young agreed that she would make enquiries at Maldon District Council.


d) Appointment of Auditor - Notification of appointment of Jackie Bellard, Audit Commission had been received.


e) Direct Debit form for monthly street lighting maintenance and annual maintenance payments to A & J Lighting Solutions Ltd was signed as previously agreed.


11/36. Langford and Ulting Churchyard Fences and Ulting Churchyard gate


The clerk had spoken to John Tomlins but the church does not have any money they could contribute due to the unexpected work required on the church roof. Cllr. David Robinson had looked at Ulting churchyard fence. It was agreed that the gate and posts need to be replaced. As there is only one quotation for this work to be done, it was agreed that Cllr. Kathy Palmer should get two further quotations to replace the gate and posts only. Cllr. Roy Pipe had inspected Langford churchyard fence and it only requires replacement slats and slats re-fixing to the bottom rail.


11/37. 30mph speed limit, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting


Response received from Essex County Council, Highways stating that this section of road did not meet the criteria: “There must be continuous houses on both sides of the carriageway for a minimum distance of 350 metres and not set back more than 10 metres.” It was also noted that this location has been added to a speed review on rural routes that is going to be carried out. It was agreed that the clerk should reply to Highways and copy Cllr. Norman Hume as this section of road complies with the Essex Speed Management Strategy,


11/38. Parish Councillor positions


Cllr. David Robinson had updated the New Parish Councillors notes and it was agreed that the clerk should acquire a New Councillor’s Pack from the EALC at a cost of £12.


Current positions are as follows:-


Langford Planning committee (2) Ulting Planning committee (2)


Emergency Planning Officer Newsletter


Passenger Transport Representative Footpath Representative


Parish Transportation Group Village Correspondent


Parish Plan




11/39. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)


11/40. Date of the next meeting


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th May 2011 at Crouchmans Barn, Ulting (to be confirmed) at 7.30pm.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.


Cllr. Andrew Tween thanked Cllr. David Robinson and Cllr. Leigh Daynes and presented them with a willow obelisk as a token of their years of service as Parish Councillors.


Signed: (Chairman) Date: