Those present: Roy Pipe, Andrew Tween, Katherine Palmer, David Robinson, Sheila Young, Jenny Clemo and 2 members of the public.
1. The previous minutes of 26th May 2009.
The minutes were read by the Chairman, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
2. Matters arising.
a) Langford Waterworks Site - The original planning application was allowed on appeal and in addition the condition requiring hi-tech use was deleted from the S106 agreement. Planning permission was granted for a 64 bed care home but the application has been called in by the Secretary of State and a decision on this was deferred until after the General Election. Planning permission for five houses on the other half of the site has been approved recently.
3. Chairman’s Report.
We have had the village sign situated at Doe’s of Ulting refurbished and are pleased with the outcome. This year there have been few planning applications and certainly, nothing very contentious. We have now had confirmation that we will receive funds for the three Speed Indicator signs, two of which are based in Ulting. We are pressing for a weight limit for lorries on Crouchmans Farm Road. Doe’s have agreed to our suggestion that they contact their delivery firms asking them not to use the lanes in the area. We understand that this has now been done. We are looking into the dangerous parking in front of Brockley Cottages. It may be a question of drawing attention to the danger that this is causing. It is unlikely that we will be able to get the police involved but, if necessary, we will try.
I thank my council colleagues for their help over the past year, especially to Katherine Palmer and Andrew Tween the members for Ulting. Thanks also to our clerk, Jenny Clemo. With Jenny living in Ulting it has been easy for me to keep abreast of what is going on in the village.
4. Items from the parishioners.
a) Fingerpost - Highways had received a quote for re-casting the broken finger. Due to the high cost, they propose replacing the arm with a wooden one but suggestions for alternative quotes would also be considered.
b) Advertising of meeting - Mr. Smith asked how the annual meeting had been advertised. It was agreed that in addition to a notice on the board, a newsletter should be sent out prior to the annual meetings each year and an advertisement should be included in “Village News” in the local newspaper. It was noted that the Parish Council are also developing a website.
The Tomlins were thanked for the use of the barn.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.58pm.