Present:                      Councillors: Roy Pipe, Kathy Palmer and David Robinson.

In the Chair:                 Councillor Roy Pipe.

Clerk:                           Jenny Clemo

Also present:              1 member of the public.


10/128. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Leigh Daynes and Andrew Tween.


10/129.   Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 19th October 2010 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


10/130. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.


10/131. Matters for information from previous meetings

10/06a) Ditches along Water Co. land - Clerk to chase David Lancaster regarding the promised map of the disputed ditch adjacent to the land bought by Mr. Robottom and the ditches which have not yet been cleared.

10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting - Tony Martin has not recovered sufficiently from his operation.

10/80. Community Speed watch - Nothing to report. Carry forward to next meeting.

10/82. Langford Boundary Change - Two of the residents have been contacted. Cllr Roy Pipe to write to the other three. Carried forward to next meeting.

10/90a) EDF Tree Work - Clerk to chase Tree Officer again.

10/92b) Priti Patel - Possible date of Tuesday 31st May 2011 (still to be confirmed).

10/95. Blackwater Rail Trail - Cllr. R. Pipe to check whether work has been carried out.

10/107a) Industrial site - The clerk had written to Maldon District Council regarding planning blight on the five houses that now have permission on the western side of the site.

10/109b) Localism Rangers - Clerk had requested various works along Crouchmans Farm Road.

10/109c) Essex Speed Management Strategy - 30mph speed limit over bridge sign has been moved opposite the gateway. Now awaiting Highways comments regarding 30mph speed limit through village. Cllr Andrew Tween to check whether Crouchmans Farm Road part of Ulting complies (carried forward).

10/111. Portaloo at Cemex Lake - Response received from Enforcement Officer. Planning permission is required and they will pursue this matter.

10/121b) Essex County Council Waste Development Document - No comments.

10/122f) Community Led Planning Network - Cllr. A. Tween had confirmed that this payment is in addition to the RCCE subscription.

10/124. Tourist Information Centre - Response received from Maldon District Council which states that the Council and Members understand the importance of the TIC to visitors and the local community.


10/132. District Councillors report

No report received.

a) Car parking, Maldon - It was agreed that the clerk should write to Cllr. S. Young regarding the increases in car parking fees agreed by Maldon District Council.


10/133. Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).


10/134. Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

HOUSE/MAL/10/00883 - Single storey rear extension (revised application). 6, Ulting Lane, Langford. The Parish Council had no objections.

b) Plans for proposed housing on eastern side of industrial site were viewed. It was agreed that a newsletter would be published in early January, advising parishioners of this new application. Cllr. D. Robinson to draft newsletter which would also include an article from the Tree Officer, a note to encourage parishioners to complete their National Census questionnaire and a request for parishioners to stand as councillors.


10/135. Correspondence

a) 2011 Buckingham Palace Garden Party - It was agreed that Cllr. D. Robinson should be nominated.

b) General correspondence to note:

Ÿ         EALC Maldon area meeting was held on 24th November 2010 at The Plantation Hall, Heybridge. Cllr. R. Pipe had attended.

Ÿ         Budgets and Service Prioritisation meeting was held on 25th November 2010 at Maldon District Council Offices. No one available to attend.

Ÿ         Future of Standards Framework for members of Local Authorities in England - See correspondence file.

Ÿ         Streetlights - Notification that EDF Energy Networks now operate as UK Power Networks had been received. Streelight maintenance is now carried out by AJ Lighting Solutions Ltd.

Ÿ         Services in Rural Essex Survey - Clerk to complete one for each village.


10/136. Finance

a) Authorisation of payments to:- A&J Lighting Solutions £20.09, streetlight maintenance (Nov); Mr. A. Marks £6.91, petrol, Ulting Lane green; RCCE £5.00 (subscription underpaid at previous meeting); RCCE £35.00, Community Led Planning Network subscription: Mr. J. Clemo £123.00, Langford Churchyard and ford.

b) Annual Parish Precept - It was noted that the deadline for receipt at Maldon District Council is 14th January 2011. It was agreed that quotations for repairs to Ulting churchyard fence and gate and Langford churchyard fence should be sought so that a realistic figure can be included in the budget. In addition, the cost of an election will be required.


10/137. Flood Management in Essex

Clerk to collate information and send to Essex County Council.


10/138. Langford and Ulting Churchyard Fences and Ulting Churchyard gate

See 10/136b)


10/139. Ulting Lane green

It was agreed that a letter should be sent to residents asking them not to drive over the grass.


10/140. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)


10/141. Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th January 2011 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 8.45pm.


Signed:                                                                                                Date: