Present:        Councillors: Roy Pipe, Kathy Palmer, David Robinson and Andrew Tween.

In the Chair: Councillor Roy Pipe.

Clerk:             Jenny Clemo

Also present:2 members of the public and District Councillor Young.


10/67.  Election of Chairman

It was proposed by David Robinson, seconded by Andrew Tween that Roy Pipe would be Chairman for the year. Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed.


10/68.  Election of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Roy Pipe, seconded by David Robinson that Andrew Tween would be Vice Chairman for the year.


10/69.  Other Appointments

It was agreed that the planning representatives would be Andrew Tween and Katherine Palmer for Ulting and David Robinson and Leigh Daynes for Langford. Other appointments to remain the same apart from transport representative and Roy Pipe agreed that he would take on this role. It was noted that Andrew Tween is chairing the Parish Plan Group.


10/70.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Leigh Daynes.


10/71.  Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 27th April 2010 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


10/72.  Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.


10/73.  Matters for information from previous meetings

10/06b) Langford Leisure Park - Nothing further heard.

09/83. Weight Restriction - The legal documents are currently being drafted.

10/06a) Ditches and surface water, Ulting Lane - An order for the work has been issued but filling potholes takes priority over this.

10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting - Highways had received a quote to supply a replacement arm for £937.45. They cannot justify this expenditure and suggested replacing the arm with a wooden one but would also consider suggestions for alternative quotes. Roy Pipe to contact Tony Martin.

10/27. Website - 2009 and 2010 minutes are now available. Access details to be included in next newsletter.

10/56b) Woodham Walter Annual Parish Report - David Robinson suggested that the Parish Council might produce a similar document next year.

10/59. 30mph speed limit through Langford - Reply received from Highways. It was agreed that the clerk should write again, sending a copy of the letter to Councillor Bass. Andrew Tween to speak to Community Speed Watch officer.

10/60. Footpaths - Clerk had tried to contact the Ranger responsible for the Blackwater Rail Trail regarding the collapsed step.

10/61. Parish Plan - Andrew Tween has organised a meeting on the 7th June. Stella Meesters from the RCCE will attend and Rachel Smith, Ulting has agreed to join the group.

10/62. Hazardous Parking - Ulting Lane proposal: The planning officer commented that a parking area in this location would be undesirable, but a planning application with a landscaping scheme could be submitted. It was agreed that Ulting Lane residents should be asked whether they would use / contribute towards this idea before any decision could be made.

Crouchmans Farm Road: No decision made.


10/74.  District Councillor’s report

a) Planning Department - Alan Storah has left and Jennifer Candler is acting Head of Planning Services.

b) Chairman - Councillor Robert Long was elected.

The Chairman congratulated Councillor Sheila Young on her term as chairman and thanked her for doing a very good job.


10/75.  Public Question Time

(limited to 15 minutes if required).

a) Village picnic - This is to be held on 4th July.


10/76.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

FUL/MAL/10/00260 – One detached house with private garage and access. Land adjacent to Langford Waterworks, Hatfield Road, Langford. No objections.

FUL/MAL/10/00261 – Four detached houses with private garage and access. Land adjacent to Langford Waterworks, Hatfield Road, Langford. No objections.

b) Planning decisions received.

The two planning applications above were both allowed.


10/77.  Correspondence

a) Heavy Goods Vehicles - Doe‘s had sent the Parish Council copies of a letter to their suppliers and the response they had received from Highways.

b) Fly the Flag - Armed Forces Day - Invitation to Raising of the Flag Ceremony, Monday 21st June at 10am. Roy Pipe and Andrew Tween to attend.

c) ‘Love where you Live’ - Councillors decided not to hold an event due to previous lack of support from parishioners.

d) General correspondence to note:

Ÿ  Notification of Publication of Braintree District Council Core Strategy Submission Draft. Andrew Tween to peruse and provide any comments to the clerk before 12th June.

Ÿ  Maldon Motor Show - Sunday 4th July, 10am - 4pm, Maldon Promenade Park.

Ÿ  Shakespeare in the Park - 27 - 29th May, 7.30pm, Maldon Promenade Park.


10/78.  Finance

a) The following cheque was authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions £20.09, streetlight maintenance (May).

b) The following cheque raised at the previous meeting was ratified: Cheque no. 100680 to Mr. A. Marks £28.78, mower petrol, Ulting Lane.

c) The accounts for year ending 31st March 2010 and the Annual Governance Statement were approved.

It was agreed that a summary of the accounts should be included in the newsletter.


10/79.  Parish Transportation Group

a) Councillor Shrimpton reported that Maldon District Council have supported the principle of a relief road. Councillor Hannah and a Danbury Parish Councillor agreed to endeavour to get agreement from Braintree District Council and Chelmsford Borough Council respectively.

b) The group agreed that they would ask Highways to provide a list of schemes in priority order.

c) The group has verbal support from Priti Patel and would be inviting local MPs to a future meeting.


10/80.  Community Speed Watch

Andrew Tween had contacted Richard Ager regarding the reinstatement of Community Speed Watch. At least six volunteers would be required. It was agreed that Andrew would initially find out whether training is available and if it is, he would contact Matthew Byatt and ask him if he would be willing to organise a group.


10/81.  Museum of Power

Areas for collaboration were agreed. Clerk to write to John Lowe.


10/82.  Langford Boundary Change

It was agreed that Roy Pipe should approach residents again and ask their views with regard to their properties coming back into Langford.


10/83.  Items from the councillors



10/84.  Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th July 2010 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 9.35pm.

