LANGFORD & ULTING PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING OF LANGFORD & ULTING PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 6TH JULY 2010 AT LANGFORD & ULTING VILLAGE HALL. Present: Councillors: Roy Pipe, Kathy Palmer and Andrew Tween. In the Chair: Councillor Roy Pipe. Clerk: Jenny Clemo Also present: 2 members of the public and District Councillor Young. 10/85. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Leigh Daynes and David Robinson. 10/86. Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of 25th May 2010 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman. 10/87. Declarations of Interest No interests were declared. 10/88. Matters for information from previous meetings 10/06a) Ditches and surface water, Ulting Lane - Work to resolve problem at Ulting Lane junction has been completed. Clerk to write to Northumbrian Water to find out ownership of ditch adjacent to land sold to Mr. Robottom. 10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting - Cllr Roy Pipe will keep trying to contact Tony Martin. 10/62. Hazardous parking, Ulting Lane - It was agreed that a question, specifically for Ulting Lane residents would be included in the Parish Plan questionnaire. 10/77b) Fly the Flag - Armed Forces Day - Cllrs Roy Pipe and Andrew Tween had attended. 10/80. Community Speed watch - Police officers will finish their training by the end of July. At least six volunteers will be required for this initiative to move forward. 10/82. Langford Boundary Change - Cllr Roy Pipe had spoken to the Luck’s who support the boundary change. He will approach other residents to find out their views. 10/89. District Councillor’s report a) Head of Planning Services - Jennifer Candler has been appointed. b) Maldon District Council Legal Department - This section is amalgamating with Essex County Council Legal Department. c) Cllr Young reported that she is now on the Finance and Audit committees. 10/90. Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required). a) EDF Tree Work - Mr. Harris reported that the contractors had decimated the trees adjacent to and opposite his property. Clerk to contact Maldon District Council Tree Officer and Carly Mayes for advice. b) Land to east of The Slipe, Ulting Lane - Mr. Harris reported that Carter & Ward may be trying to acquire this piece of land. c) Flooding Ulting Lane - Mr. Harris has been trying to get Carter & Ward to clear out the old water course that runs along the boundary with The Slipe before it joins the Chelmer Navigation. It was agreed that the Parish Council would write to Highways and Carter & Ward. 10/91. Planning Matters a) Planning applications received. None received. b) Planning decisions received. FUL/MAL/10/00001 - Remove agricultural occupancy condition, Beavis Lea - This application was approved. “The necessity of this condition was considered to no longer be relevant to the safeguarding of agricultural workers’ dwellings in this locality.” FUL/MAL/10/00260 and FUL/MAL/10/00261 – Five detached houses with private garages and access. Land adjacent to Langford Waterworks, Hatfield Road, Langford. Both applications were approved. “Due to site specific circumstances and impact on the amenity of the local area, a commercial use is not appropriate on this site.” 10/92. Correspondence a) Maldon District Council Planning Department - Notification that consultation periods will not be extended had been received. b) Priti Patel - Request to meet Parish Councillors. Clerk to invite her to a meeting. c) Maldon District LSP - Notification of cancellation of planned event 5th July received. Councillors were asked to complete the online questionnaire: or d) High-Speed Broadband - Parish Need Survey completed. e) Rural public transport and development of new links to Broomfield Hospital - Offer by RCCE Transport & Access Officer to attend Parish Council meeting. It was agreed that this was not relevant. f) General correspondence to note:  Braintree District Local Development Framework Core Strategy Submission Draft - Notification of extension of consultation period to 8th July to allow consideration of the coalition government’s intention to abolish Regional Spatial Strategies.  Tree warden blog: See 10/93. Finance a) The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions £20.09, streetlight maintenance (June); Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd £54.06, mower parts and weedkiller; The Chelmer Canal Trust £20.00, annual subscription; Mr. N. Spooner £75.00, internal audit fee; Mrs. J. Clemo £10.60, photocopying; Mrs. J. Clemo £407.50, clerk‘s salary and expenses. b) Insurance - It was agreed that Cllr Roy Pipe should look at the Parish Council’s current insurance cover in connection with the broker’s recommendation that Parish Councils take cover for Councillors’ Group Legal Protection (Standards Committee). This would cost £31.50 / councillor. 10/94. 30mph Speed Limit Cllr Bass had replied that he supported the Policy Team’s decision on the 30mph speed limit. Without his support, Highways stated that they will not consider any changes to those offered in their letter dated 20th April 2010. It was agreed that Cllr Roy Pipe would arrange a site meeting with Cllr Bass. 10/95. Blackwater Rail Trail The Ranger confirmed that the steps are no longer part of the trail. It was agreed that the clerk should write to ask for the removal of the steps and the installation of signs to re-direct people. 10/96. Parish Plan The meeting with Stella Meesters, RCCE, held on the 7th June had been very informative although a great deal was not relevant to small parishes. Cllrs Andrew Tween and David Robinson had also attended a meeting with the RCCE Community Engagement Officers at Feering. The plan was launched at the village picnic on the 4th July when residents were given the opportunity to find out what would be involved. They were also asked what they like, do not like and what could be done to improve the villages. All residents are to be invited to a meeting on Saturday 25th September from 10am to 12pm. 10/97. EALC AGM (Maldon District) Cllr Roy Pipe had attended as a representative on the Maldon District Highways Panel. Brian Goodwin, Village Agent manager had spoken about their role and Professor Schnurr had spoken about the Maldon Local Strategic Partnership. Cllr Pipe will attend a Highways Panel Meeting on the 14th July. 10/98. Parish Paths Partnership Request for items to be included in next year’s budget had been received from Matthew Hodgkinson. Councillors were asked to notify Cllr Tween of any footpaths that require cutting back and any posts / signs that need replacing. 10/99. Website It was agreed that all items listed except planning applications should be included. An additional page including links to local businesses and the shop was suggested. 10/100. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY) 10/101. Date of the next meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th September 2010 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm. The meeting closed at 8.55pm. Signed: (Chairman) Date: