Present:         Councillors: Roy Pipe, Leigh Daynes, David Robinson and Andrew Tween.

In the Chair:  Councillor Roy Pipe

Clerk:              Jenny Clemo

Also present:  Matthew Hodgkinson, Essex County Council


10/16.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kathy Palmer.


10/17.  P3 Scheme

The Chairman welcomed Matthew Hodgkinson to the meeting.  His attendance was the result of an email sent out to all parishes that had signed up to the P3 partnership but did not seem to be active.  P3 is a community action project set up to maintain and improve public rights of way.  Member parishes survey their network, report problems, involve volunteers and can choose projects to work on which Essex County Council will fund.  Otherwise parishes have to wait for Local Area Offices to have sufficient funding to do any work required.  Matthew answered questions regarding reinstatement of footpaths after ploughing, responsibility for cutting back new growth, (landowner - side growth, Essex County Council -up growth), the new permissive path (who is responsible for cutting back) and the Freedom to Roam Act (does not apply to Langford or Ulting).  Because the footpaths are walked each year and any problems are noted, the Parish Council fulfils the P3 requirements.  The Chairman thanked Matthew for attending the meeting.


10/18.  Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 5th January 2010 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


10/19.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda.  No interests were declared.


10/20.  Matters for information from previous meetings

10/06b) Langford Leisure Park - No further information received.

09/83) Weight Restriction - No response received, clerk to follow up.

10/06a) Ditches -  Clerk had contacted Highways, Mr. Robottom and Savills.  Awaiting response from Savills regarding ditches adjoining land purchased by Mr. Robottom.

09/122) Septic Tank Discharge at Baytree Cottages - Response received from Environment Agency.  Clerk to forward to Andrew Tween.

10/07a) FUL/MAL/09/01032 and FUL/MAL/09/01034 - Both planning applications had been refused on design.  FUL/MAL/09/01034 is in Zone 2 flood risk. 

10/11) Broken fingerpost, Ulting - Clerk had reported breakage to Highways.


10/21.  District Councillors report

No report received.


10/22.  Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).


10/23.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

FUL/MAL/10/00004 - Construction of nine wind turbine generators (overall tip height 125m), associated infrastructure, 80m meteorological mast etc.  Land between Middlewick Farm and Wraywick Farm, The Marshes, Southminster.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would object on similar grounds to the Bradwell-on-Sea application.

FUL/MAL/10/00001 - Remove agricultural occupancy condition from M/MAR/151/65.  Beavis Lea, Hatfield  Road, Langford.  It was agreed that the Parish Council would support this application.  The farm was sold over 40 years ago, the land is now farmed by contractors and the condition is no longer justified.

b) Planning decisions received.

LDE/MAL/09/01013 - Construction of access road and car parking area in connection with permitted B1 uses.  Oval Park, Hatfield Road, Langford was approved.

APP/X1545/A/06/2023805 - Appeal re construction of ten wind turbines (overall tip height 121m) and associated infrastructure.  Hockley Farm, Bradwell-on-Sea was allowed and planning permission granted.


10/24.  Correspondence

a) Vehicle Activated Signs - Notification of proposed change to Essex County Council practice regarding transfer of maintenance costs to Parish Councils after two years from the installation date.  Subsequent to this, an email was received reversing this decision and parish councils will now not bear any maintenance costs.  It was agreed that the bid for three sign faces should go ahead and if costs were to be charged in the future, then a decision to give the signs back to Highways could be made.

b) Use of lay by as public convenience - It was agreed that the clerk should write to Highways and ask them to close the lay by.

c) Oil buying syndicate - See

d) Fight for our Hospital - Petition


10/25.  Finance

a)  The following cheque was authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions £40.18.

b)  Risk Assessment - After deletion of bus shelters, it was agreed that the revised Risk Assessment document was a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


10/26.  Parish Plan / Village Design Statement

It was agreed that a committee consisting of a councillor from Langford, a councillor from Ulting and possibly Vicky Anfilogoff, Chairman of the Action Committee should be formed.  Clerk to ask Vicky if she would be willing to get involved.  Copies of the previous questionnaire and Summary of Results and Danbury Parish Council’s questionnaire to be circulated.


10/27.  Website

 Clerk has set up a new website on essexinfo net.  Further pages, as per Memo dated 10th February 2006 still to be added.


10/28.  30mph speed limit through Langford

It was agreed that the clerk should write to Highways requesting a 30mph speed limit through Langford. 

Parish Transport Group meetings - Andrew Tween to attend meeting on 23rd February.  Andrew Tween and Roy Pipe to attend meeting on 24th February. 


10/29.  Footpaths

Already covered, item 10/17.


10/30.  Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Museum of Power - Clerk to invite Mr. Lowe to next meeting.

b) Oil buying group.


10/31.  Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th March 2010 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm. 


The meeting closed at 9.00pm.


Signed:                                                            (Chairman)    Date: