Present:         Councillors: Roy Pipe, Leigh Daynes, Katherine Palmer, David Robinson and Andrew Tween.

In the Chair:  Councillor Roy Pipe

Clerk:              Jenny Clemo

Also present: One member of the public.


10/49.  Apologies for absence

No apologies for absence were received.


10/50.  Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 30th March 2010 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


10/51.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda.  No interests were declared.


10/52.  Matters for information from previous meetings

10/06b) Langford Leisure Park - Nothing further.

09/83. Weight Restriction - Highways are currently working on this scheme.

10/06a) Ditches and surface water, Ulting Lane - Clerk to chase Highways.

10/11. Broken fingerpost, Ulting - It was agreed that Church Only was sufficient.

10/27. Website - Clerk and Andrew Tween to confer.

10/40a) EALC Training Needs Survey - Clerk had circulated email version for completion by councillors.

10/45b) Permissive path - The stile has been replaced.

10/46. Oil Buying Group - Notices posted on the notice boards.  The first delivery had taken place.

10/47c) Ulting Lane green - Mr. Marks had borrowed a scarifier from Vicky Anfilogoff.


10/53.  District Councillors report

No report received.


10/54.  Public Question Time

Not required.


10/55.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

Revised plans for  five houses at the Waterworks site had been received and these were passed to David Robinson and Leigh Daynes for comments.

b) Planning decisions received.

None received.


10/56.  Correspondence

a) Maldon District Highways Panel - It was agreed that Roy Pipe should be nominated.

b) General correspondence to note:

Ÿ  Woodham Walter Annual Parish Report - to be circulated

Ÿ  Essex & South Suffolk Shoreline Management Review - Comments to be submitted by 18th June


10/57.  Finance

a)  The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions £20.09, streetlight maintenance (April);  Northumbrian Water Ltd. £50.00, Coach House rental (June - Nov) and Licence Agreement was signed;  Parishes Transportation Group £30.00, annual subscription; EALC £82.88, annual subscription; It was agreed that the Parish Council would opt for the 3 year binding agreement.  Broker Network Ltd.  £424.64, insurance premium.

b)  The following cheques raised at the previous meeting were ratified:  Cheque no. 100673 to Maldon District Council £5.00, contribution to Parish Clerk’s Forum November 2009;  Cheque no. 100674  to Mr. A. Marks £6.68, mower petrol, Ulting Lane.

c) The following cheque was raised and will be ratified at the next meeting:  Mr. A. Marks £27.78, mower petrol, Ulting Lane.


10/58.  Disused Salt Heap

This item is on the Localism list and will be decided by the Maldon District Highways Panel.


10/59.  30mph speed limit through Langford

Highways would consider a 30mph limit between the two bridges and the current 40mph section of Witham Road and have added the request to the Localism list.  The clerk was asked to write regarding councillors’ concerns re advisory 30mph speed limit over the railway bridge and additional traffic movements into / out of the Waterworks once the site is operational.


10/60. Footpaths

Clerk to contact Highways regarding necessary repairs to the steps at the old Railway Bridge, Witham Road.


10/61.  Parish Plan

Clerk had given Vicky Anfilogoff a copy of the previous questionnaire.  It was agreed that Andrew Tween would arrange a meeting and invite Stella Meesters from the RCCE.


10/62.  Hazardous parking, Ulting Lane and Crouchmans Farm Road

a) Ulting Lane - David Robinson suggested that there is space for additional parking on Water Company land adjacent to No. 1.  Clerk to contact Maldon District Council and ask their view.

b) Crouchmans Farm Road - No decision made.


10/63.  Community Speed Watch

Roy Pipe had spoken to Adam Pipe and there should be no problem re-instigating the scheme.


10/64.  Areas for collaboration with Museum of Power

Letter outlining possible areas for collaboration had been received from John Lowe.  It was agreed that councillors should bring ideas / comments to the next meeting.


10/65.  Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Boundary change to include properties that were previously in Langford.


10/66.  Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday  25th May in Crouchmans Barn, Ulting  after the Ulting Parish Meeting. 


The meeting closed at 8.50pm.


Signed:                                                   (Chairman)            Date: