Present: Councillors: Roy Pipe, David Robinson, Andrew Tween and Kathy Palmer
In the Chair: Councillor Roy Pipe
Clerk: Jenny Clemo
09/78. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Leigh Daynes.
09/79. Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of 7th July 2009 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.
09/80. Declarations of Interest
To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda. No interests were declared.
09/81. Matters for information from previous meetings
09/76 Overgrown hedge, Ulting Lane - Clerk to write to Highways and Essex Water Company.
09/56b) Footpaths - Permissive path at Langford is currently impassable. Clerk to write to Maldon District Council.
09/68a) Langford Leisure Park - David Robinson had attended a meeting on the 28th July. The floating holiday homes idea has been abandoned. The Museum of Power would extend their existing car park and use a field at the back for any overspill. The marina would have 100 berths and the associated toilet / storage facilities could incorporate a visitor centre / tea shop. Councillors were concerned about the effect this would have on the village and those living there.
09/70a) Parish Plans Event - David Robinson is able to attend event on 14th September.
09/70a) Maldon District Conservation & Design Awards 2009 - Kathy Palmer had left details with Mr. Musto who had not responded.
09/71c) New Mower - Clerk had queried invoice and was informed that Doe’s system uses the wrong model name.
09/74 Parish Council representation at Maldon District Council Planning Committee meetings - This will be trialled at Southern Area Planning Committee meetings.
09/75 Old Coach House - Clerk to check agreement with Village Hall Management Committee and discuss any alterations required with John Tomlins.
09/82. District Councillor’s report
No report received.
09/83. Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).
Doreen Newton, who was not able to attend the meeting, had asked the clerk to raise the matter of HGV lorries getting lost in Ulting. She had phoned Highways who told her to ask the Parish Council to write and ask for a weight restriction on Crouchmans Farm Road. Clerk to write.
Bus stops - Clerk to write to Essex County Council and ask for signs to assist new contractor.
09/84. Planning Matters
a) Planning decisions received.
FUL/MAL/09/00482 - Demolish existing wall and replace with new wall, pillars and gates. Mill House Hotel, Maldon Road, Langford was refused.
FUL/MAL/09/0490 - Demolition of one existing stable and erection of new building comprising four new stables with new tack room, bedding store and dung loading bay. New two bay cart lodge for vehicle parking. Existing stable yard area to be block paved. New concrete surfaced yard for tractor and trailer parking. Existing sub standard tiling to existing stables to be removed and all roofs to be tiled using matching antique clay plain tiles. Home Farm, Maypole Road, Langford was approved. The following condition was included: ‘the private horse stables hereby permitted shall be used solely for the private stabling of horses and no business or commercial use including for the purposes of livery or any riding school activity shall take place at the site.’
09/85. Correspondence
a) Community Initiatives Fund 2009/10 and other funding - Closing dates are as follows:
CIF - 6th November 2009. Projects should improve the quality of life in local communities.
Mid Essex Area Forum - 9th October 2009. Similarly, projects should achieve tangible improvements to peoples’ lives within local communities.
Government Ecotown Initiative - David Robinson had been approached by John Lowe, Museum of Power who thought Langford Parish Council should lead a bid for this funding. Councillors agreed that Langford was too small and suggested that he should approach Maldon District Council. Clerk to write.
b) Maldon District Council Comprehensive Equality Policy consultation document - Kathy Palmer to complete.
c) New Statutory Planning Committee - It was agreed that the Parish Council would register an interest in the proposal and the clerk would attend the first meeting if she was able to.
d) Emergency Planning meeting - Monday 14th September, Maldon District Council Offices, 7.30pm. David Robinson to attend.
General correspondence to note:
 EALC AGM - Wednesday 23rd September, Plantation Hall, Heybridge. Clerk to send apologies.
 EALC Maldon District Parish Councils Annual Meeting - Tuesday 10th November, Wickham Bishops Parish Hall - Kathy Palmer to attend.
 Buckingham Palace nomination - Councillors agreed that David Robinson should be nominated.
 Community Action Team AGM - RCCE, Feering, 2-6pm. Clerk to send apologies.
09/86. Finance
a) The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions £39.32, streetlight maintenance July / August; Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd £6008.75, new mower, Mr. A. Robinson £270.00, Ulting Churchyard maintenance; Northumbrian Water £50.00, Old Coach House half yearly rent; Mr. N. Spooner £75.00, internal audit; Mr. J. Clemo £246.00, Langford Churchyard maintenance; Audit Commission £138.00, external audit.
09/87. Langford Waterworks site
Roy Pipe, David Robinson and Jenny Clemo had attended the hearing regarding Mr. Robottom’s original application and the amendment to the S106 agreement. The Parish Council’s points, relevant to their submissions, were fully made. The Planning Inspectorate will notify us of the Inspector’s decision in October or November.
09/88. Vehicle Activated Sign in Langford village centre
Email confirming costs received from Jackie Roerig. It was agreed that the Parish Council would prefer to remain on the existing system with a new post in the village centre and a shared sign. Clerk to confirm that the sign would be on one of the posts for 9 months of the year.
09/89. Village Gateways.
Email received from Ed Brown confirming that the gateways would be ordered in the next few weeks.
09/90. Snack Bar, The Landscape Centre.
Clerk to email Hatfield Peverel Parish Council and ask if it has planning permission.
09/91. Old Coach House - Agreement with Village Hall Management Committee.
See 09/81
09/92. Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)
Brick House.
09/93. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th October 2009 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Councillor Daynes had asked whether the meeting could be held on Wednesday 21st October but two parish councillors are unable to attend on Wednesday evenings.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm.
Signed: (Chairman) Date: