Present:           Councillors: Roy Pipe, David Robinson, Andrew Tween and Kathy Palmer,

                        Sheila Young and two members of the public.

In the Chair:    Councillor Roy Pipe

Clerk:               Jenny Clemo


09/94.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Leigh Daynes.


09/95.  Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 1st September 2009 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


09/96.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda.  No interests were declared.


09/97.  Matters for information from previous meetings

09/76 Overgrown hedge, Ulting Lane - Clerk received response from Essex & Suffolk Water and hedge has now been cut back..

09/56b) Permissive path - Path has been cleared.  David Robinson reported that a stile has been stole.  Essex & Suffolk Water had been informed. 

09/68a) Langford Leisure Park - Roy Pipe had attended a further meeting on 25th September.  A draft report had been circulated and Roy listed the main points.  Copies of the final document will be circulated to councillors.  If a planning application results, it was agreed that a public meeting would have to be held.


One member of the public left the meeting at this point.


09/70a) Parish Plans Event - David Robinson attended event on 14th September.  Copies of two completed Parish Plans to be circulated. 

09/83. Weight Restriction - Jackie Roerig, Highways has passed the Parish Council’s request to Olive Cowell.

09/83. Bus stops - Clerk to chase as no response received from Essex County Council.

09/85a) Funding - It was noted that the Museum of Power are pursuing funding from the Village SOS scheme, not the Ecotown Initiative.  John Lowe is sending the information to the clerk.

09/85d) Emergency Planning - David Robinson had attended the meeting and now has the emergency box.  Maldon District Council had given a presentation on how to run an emergency rest centre.  It was noted that if parishioners were to remove fallen trees in the event of another hurricane, they should be told that they are doing it at their own risk.

09/90. Snack Bar - The clerk to Hatfield Peverel was not aware of a planning application for the Snack Bar but it currently seems to have disappeared. 



09/98.  District Councillors report

a) South-Eastern Area Planning Committee Meetings - A public speaking facility is being trialled for six months.  Concurrently, a lift is being installed in the main Council offices to enable disabled access to the Council Chamber.

b) Local Development Framework - It was noted that the Parish Council have not received a copy of the Core Strategy Regulation 25 consultation document.  Sheila Young to investigate.

c) Future of Maldon District Council - Steve Watson’s resignation has meant that the Council is again looking at linking up with another council.  Currently Fiona Marshall is acting Chief Executive.

d) Refuse and recycling - David Robinson asked what the outcome of the proposal to distribute a questionnaire on recycling was.  Sheila Young to investigate. 

e) Head of Environment Services - Trudi Bragg is leaving Maldon District Council.


09/99.  Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).


09/100.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

TCA/MAL/09/00750 - Remove two Ash trees from northern boundary.  Brierley, Witham Road, Langford.  The Parish Council had no objections.

b) Planning decisions received

FUL/MAL/07/00022 APP/X1545/A/07/02049047/NWF  Land adjacent to Langford Waterworks.  Erection of 10 Class B1 units with ancillary facilities and associated landscaping (Amended scheme).  Appeal was allowed

MLA/MAL/08/01099 APP/X1545/Q/09/2096469/NWF  Langford Waterworks.  Modification to Section 106 Legal Agreement (executed under planning application O/MAL/199/93 and Conservation Area application CA/MAL/200/93.  Appeal was allowed.

LDE/MAL/03/00844  Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Use or Development - parking of commercial  vehicle at Brick House was approved.  The Parish Council had not seen this application.


09/101.  Correspondence

a) New Coach House Licence from Savills - Licence received from Northumbrian Water Ltd.  This was read out and then signed by the Chairman.

b) Neighbourhood Watch Signs - As the parish does not currently have any Neighbourhood Watches, it was agreed that no signs were required.

c) Chelmer Canal Trust Conference, Friday 20th November.  The Natural and Built Environment of the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation - No one able to attend.


General correspondence to note:

Ÿ  Maldon District Council Consultation on Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Policy.  Available on Council’s website at

      No response.

Ÿ  Reminder: EALC Maldon District Parish Councils Annual Meeting, Tuesday 10th November - Kathy Palmer to attend.


09/102.  Finance

a)  The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions  £87.56, streetlight annual maintenance and streetlight maintenance Sept/Oct; Mrs. J. Clemo, £400.00  clerk’s salary and expenses.

b) Parish Clerk Forum - Notification of £5 charge per attendance.  This was agreed.


09/103.  Langford Waterworks Site

a) Care Home - Planning application was not on the last North-Western Area Planning  Committee agenda as indicated previously.  

b) Housing - Mr. Robottom had provided plans for five detached houses that he proposes to build on the land to the west of the entrance to the Business Park.  These were circulated and the Parish Council agreed that they would support this application.


09/104. Village Gateways.

Jackie Roerig confirmed that the gateways have been ordered.


09/105. Vehicle Activated Sign Face funding through Highways CIF.

The clerk had spoken to Jackie Roerig who had suggested that the Parish Council should apply for funding through the Highways CIF.  She confirmed that maintenance of the signs would remain the responsibility of Highways.  It was agreed that the clerk should apply for funding for three sign faces.


09/106.  Brick House.

A parishioner was concerned that commercial activity was taking place on these property.  It was agreed that photographic evidence should be asked for.


09/107.  Old Coach House -  The clerk had drawn up the agreement with the Village Hall Management Committee and this was signed by the Chairman.


09/108.  Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)


09/109.  Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st December at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm. 


The meeting closed at 9.00pm.


Signed:                                                   (Chairman)                           Date: