09/48.  Election of Chairman 

It was proposed by Leigh Daynes, seconded by Katherine Palmer that Roy Pipe  would be Chairman for the year.  Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed.


09/49.  Election of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Roy Pipe, seconded by Katherine Palmer that Leigh Daynes would be Vice Chairman for the year.


09/50.  Other Appointments

It was agreed that the planning representatives would be Andrew Tween and Katherine Palmer for Ulting and David Robinson and Leigh Daynes for Langford.  Other appointments to remain the same.


09/51. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from David Robinson.


09/52. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 5th May 2009 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


09/53. Declarations of Interest

To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda.  No interests were declared.


09/54. Matters for information from previous meetings

09/26) Highways - Response received from Steve Broad.  SatNav signage is still being trialled in Wales, Traffic Management Strategy is in the process of being updated and outside bodies are not allowed to erect flood boards due to health and safety and public liability issues.

09/31b) Vehicle Activated Sign - Roy Pipe had spoken to the Conservation Officer who stated that the post could be erected in the vicinity of the bus stop.

07/3d) Terajola signs - Replies received from Enforcement Officer and Jackie  Roerig.  Signs are now behind the highway boundary but the Parish Council is still concerned that they distract drivers at this junction.

09/43a) Langford Gateway - Request to site gateway on the east side of the railway bridge is being investigated.


09/55.  District Councillors report

a) Maldon District Council’s financial position is satisfactory this year but savings will have to be made next year.  Parish Councillors do not want to see a reduction in refuse collection.

b) Nursing Home -  Councillors had agreed with the fundamental idea of a nursing home on this site as opposed to an industrial site.  Depending on the outcome of the appeal in August, this land use could be removed from the Local Development Framework.

c) Maldon District Council Planning Committee meetings - Woodham Walter Parish Council would like to be able to speak and Sheila Young had advised them to write to Alan Storah. 

Roy Pipe thanked Sheila Young for her help and support during the last year.


09/56.  Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).

a) Langford Waterworks site - An update on the situation was requested.  Several plans, incorporating different designs that Ian Robottom has had drawn up were then discussed.  He has not as yet submitted an alternative design to Maldon District Council.

b) Footpaths - Some have become overgrown.  Notify Highways.

c) Any other Planning items parishioners should be aware of - CML has asked for additional land on their site to be considered in the Local Development Framework’s site allocations.


09/57.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

ADV/MAL/09/00338 – Internally illuminated sign. Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd, Hatfield Road, Ulting.  Parish Council did not object to the sign but queried the need for illumination.

b) Planning decisions received.

FUL/MAL/09/00185 – Demolition of one existing stable and erection of five new stables with single bedroom residential accommodation over, new tack room, bedding store and dung loading bay.  New three bay cart lodge for vehicle parking.  Existing stable yard area block paved.  New concrete surfaced yard for tractor and trailer parking.  Existing sub standard roof tiling to existing stables to be removed and all roofs to be tiled.   Home Farm, Maypole Road, Langford.  Planning permission was refused.


09/58.  Correspondence

a) Fly the Flag - Armed Forces Day.  Roy Pipe and Andrew Tween to attend.

b) General correspondence to note:

Ÿ  Central Area Action Plan for information.

Ÿ  LDF Public Consultation` Workshops & Exhibitions for information.


09/59.  Finance

a)  The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions  £19.66, streetlight maintenance (May); Carol Ward  £400.00, repainting Ulting village sign;  Came & Company  £433.34, insurance premium; Mr. A. Marks  £20.67, mower petrol;  Chelmer Canal Trust £20.00, annual subscription.

b)  The accounts for year ending 31st March 2009 and the Annual Governance Statement were approved.


09/60.  Parish Transportation Group (PTG)

The PTG had had little response from a letter sent to the Prime Minister and local MPs and had eventually received a reply from John Jowers.  Their original letter had been submitted as evidence to the Essex Rural Commission which will report back later in the year.  The Maldon District Local Development Framework proposes an additional 2,400 houses in the District which will add to the current traffic problems.


09/61.  Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

Ÿ  Waterworks site.


09/62.  Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th July 2009 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 9.15pm.


Signed                                                         (Chairman)                 Date: