Present:                     Councillors: Roy Pipe, Leigh Daynes, Kathy Palmer, David Robinson and Andrew Tween .

In the Chair:              Councillor Roy Pipe.

Clerk:                          Jenny Clemo

Also present:             6 members of the public, Steve Broad and Frances Edwards (Essex County Council Highways) and Adam Pipe (Police Traffic Management).


09/23. Apologies for absence

No apologies were received.


09/24.  Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 17th February 2009 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


09/25.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda.  David Robinson declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9/30 (TCA/MAL/09/00224).


09/26.  Highway Matters

Roy Pipe had attended the Mid Essex Forum (see attached report).  A request for a speed limit along the B1018 outside Little Mills had been received. 

Adam Pipe then reported on Essex Police speed enforcement activity. Issues raised by recent floods were then discussed.  It was agreed that a meeting with Highways should be arranged to discuss siting of signs. 

Representatives from Highways Maintenance responded to questions from councillors and members of the public and noted items that required following up. These included Village Gateways, maintenance issues, Essex County Council Traffic Management Policy, SatNav signage.


It was then agreed that Agenda Item 09/33b) should be discussed.

09/33b) Mower Purchase

The clerk was asked to check that the mower will be covered by the Parish Council insurance if it is loaned to the Village Hall Management Committee.  Similarly, Mr. Tomlins agreed to find out if their mower will be covered if it is loaned to the Parish Council.  If the insurance is satisfactory, it was agreed that Roy Pipe was authorised to sign an agreement with the Village Hall Management Committee and the clerk was authorised to purchase the mower.


09/27.  Matters for information from previous meetings

12/3b) Ulting Village sign - Work is almost complete.

10/9c) Newsletter - Had been circulated.  It was confirmed that the litter pick will be held on 19th April.  Clerk has black sacks and loan of litter pickers.  Refreshments to be provided.

12/3m) Ulting Lane Green - Some repair work has been done. 

09/19c) Annual Civic Service - Roy Pipe had attended.

09/19c) Flooding - Maldon District Council Emergency Planning Officer (Richard Holmes) is arranging a meeting with Highways and the Police to discuss problems with wash from HGV’s.

09/19c) Mineral & Waste Development Framework - Comments emailed to Essex County Council.


09/28.  District Councillors report

No report received.


09/29.  Public Question Time

a) Cemex fishing lakes - Ulting Lane residents can purchase an annual permit (£10), which allows them to walk around the lakes.


09/30.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

FUL/MAL/09/00139 LBC/MAL/09 - New swimming pool pavilion and new swimming pool.  Beavis Hall, Hatfield Road, Langford.  The Parish Council had requested that a condition requiring appropriate screening should be included.

ADV/MAL/09/00127 - Totem pole sign.  Ernest Doe & Sons, Ulting. The Parish Council had objected.

FUL/MAL/09/00185 - Demolition of one existing stable and erection of five new stables with single bedroom residential accommodation over, new tack room, bedding store and dung loading bay.  New three bay cart lodge for vehicle parking.  Existing stable yard area block paved.  New concrete surfaced yard for tractor and trailer parking.  Existing sub standard roof tiling to existing stables to be removed and all roofs to be tiled.  Home Farm, Maypole Road, Langford.  The Parish Council were concerned that this could develop into a commercial enterprise.

TCA/MAL/09/00224 - 3 Eucalyptus - reduce to 15ft high.  1 Leylandii - reduce to 20ft high.  Luards, Ulting Lane, Langford.  No objections.

b) Planning decisions received.

OUT/MAL/08/01188 - New class C2 64 bed nursing home and 24 class C2 extra care apartments and associated staff and communal facilities.  Land adjacent to Langford Waterworks was refused.

LBC/MAL/08/00784 - Residential use of stable and conversion of barn to games room, Ulting Hall was granted Listed Building consent.

c) FUL/MAL/09//00118 – Retain existing polytunnel.  Land Adjacent Alafin, Langford Road, Wickham Bishops.  The Parish Council had objected.

d) Extension: 2, Elm Cottages, Hatfield Road, Ulting.  Clerk to write to Planning Department.


09/31.  Correspondence

a) Langford Nursing Home appeal notifications (original application and S106 modification).  It was agreed that no further comments were required.  It was noted that the Parish Council may speak at the hearing with the Inspector’s permission.

b)  Vehicle activated signs - Reply received from Jackie Roerig.  Proposed site is not satisfactory.  It was agreed that Roy Pipe would speak to the Conservation Officer regarding suggested site at junction of Witham Road.

c)  Bradwell Wind Farm  appeal notification.

d)  General correspondence to note:

Ÿ  Mayor of Maldon’s Charity Ball 2nd May - No one able to attend.

Ÿ  Maldon District’s Sustainable Community Strategy - To be circulated.


9/32.  Power of Well Being

It was agreed that the new power was not relevant unless the Parish Council decided to undertake a major project that was not covered by their statutory powers.


9/33.  Finance

a) The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions  £19.93, streetlight maintenance (March); Mrs. J. Clemo £387.50, clerk‘s salary and expenses; Mrs. J. Clemo £11.00, photocopying.

b) Mower purchase - See above.

c) The following cheques raised at the previous meeting were ratified:

100634   CPRE subscription   £29.00

100635   EALC (CiLCA course fee)  £350.00

100636   Parishes Transportation Group  £30.00

d) Cheque number 100612 was cancelled (out of date) and replaced with cheque number 100637 (CiLCA registration fee).


09/34.  Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Affordable Housing Survey.

b) Insurance


09/22.  Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th May 2009 in Langford & Ulting Village Hall after Langford Parish Meeting.       


The meeting closed at 9.45pm.                


Signed:                                               (Chairman)              Date: