Present:           Councillors: Roy Pipe, David Robinson, Andrew Tween and Kathy Palmer

In the Chair:    Councillor Roy Pipe

Clerk:              Jenny Clemo

Also present:   One member of the public


09/63.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Leigh Daynes and Sheila Young.


09/64.  Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 26th May 2009 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


09/65.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda.  No interests were declared.


9/66.    Matters for information from previous meetings

09/31b) Vehicle Activated Sign - Highways had suggested that a sign could be located by the bus shelter but it would be one directional.  Councillors were concerned about the costs.  Further investigation required.

09/43a) Gateways - Clerk to contact Highways to confirm whether the other gateways will go ahead despite changes requested to gateway to the east of Langford.

09/56b) Footpaths - Problems have been resolved.  Further problem with padlocked gate on permissive path.  David Robinson has spoken to John Gooding (Essex & Suffolk Water)

09/58a) Fly the Flag - Armed Forces Day - Roy Pipe and Andrew Tween had both attended.

09/60 Parish Transportation Group - Roy Pipe and Andrew Tween unable to attend 7th July meeting. Essex County Council Minerals Document includes projection of loading on Essex roads to 2021 which is a concern.

07/3d) Terajola - Sign still being attached to fingerpost at weekends. 


09/67.  District Councillors report

No report received.


09/68.  Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).

a) Langford Leisure Park progress - Roy Pipe had attended a meeting at Maldon District Council offices on 30th June.  More detailed plans to include a marina and lake with floating holiday homes and a visitor centre had been discussed.  Concerns regarding car parking, removal of aggregate and associated lorry movements, damage to peace and tranquillity of Beeleigh and Langford were raised.  (See attached report)


09/69.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

FUL/MAL/09/00482 - Demolish existing wall and replace with new wall, pillars and gates.  Mill House Hotel, Maldon Road, Langford.  No objections.

FUL/MAL/09/0490 - Demolition of one existing stable and erection of new building comprising four new stables with new tack room, bedding store and dung loading bay.  New two bay cart lodge for vehicle parking.  Existing stable yard area to be block paved.  New concrete surfaced yard for tractor and trailer parking.  Existing sub standard tiling to existing stables to be removed and all roofs to be tiled using matching antique clay plain tiles.   Home Farm, Maypole Road, Langford.  No objection but conditions to restrict use to domestic only were suggested.

OUT/MAL/09/00491 - New class C264 bed residential care home with associated staff, communal and parking facilities.  Land adjacent to Langford Waterworks, Hatfield Road, Langford.  Plans were studied but response is not due until 27th July.  Roy Pipe to contact Vicky Anfilogoff (Action Committee).  Clerk to email Maldon District Council to find out date of hearing.

b) Planning decisions received.

FUL/MAL/09/00216 - Retention of field shelter for horses on concrete base.  Home Farm, Maypole Road, Langford was approved.

ADV/MAL/09/00338 - Internally illuminated sign at Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd was refused.

TCA/MAL/09/00352 - Remove 3 sycamore trees and 1 elder at The Old Coach House, Langford was allowed to proceed.


09/70.  Correspondence

a) General correspondence to note:

Ÿ  Parish Plans Event, 14th September at Wickham Bishops Village Hall - David Robinson to check whether he is available.

Ÿ  The J’s Hospice - invitation to attend Jazz and Barbecue Event, 8th August at Langford Grove.  Roy Pipe to attend.

Ÿ  Maldon District Conservation & Design Awards 2009 - Entries in by 31st August.  Kathy Palmer to ask Mr. Musto if he would like his conservation scheme entered.


09/71.  Finance

a)  The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions  £247.36, streetlight maintenance (June) and new streetlight; Mr. A. Marks  £16.05, petrol - Ulting Lane; Mrs. J. Clemo £400.00, clerk‘s salary and expenses.

b) Mower agreement - Signed by Roy Pipe and John Tomlins.

c) New mower - Clerk to query invoice.


09/72. Langford Waterworks site

See 09/69a) above.


09/73. To consider provision of Vehicle Activated Sign in Langford village centre.

See 09/66 above.


09/74. Parish Council representation at Maldon District Council Planning Committee meetings.

It was agreed that the Parish Council should have an automatic right to speak if the officers recommendation is contrary to that of the Parish Council.  Clerk write to Maldon District Council.


09/75.  Old Coach House - To consider proposed rent increase.

It was agreed that the proposed increase to £100 per annum was reasonable.  Clerk to redraft agreement with Village Hall Management Committee.

09/76.  Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Hedge in Ulting Lane.


09/77.  Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st September 2009 at Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.


The meeting closed at 9pm.


Signed:                                                            (Chairman)                     Date: