Present: Councillors: Roy Pipe, Andrew Tween and Leigh Daynes.
In the Chair: Councillor Roy Pipe.
Clerk: Jenny Clemo
Also present:
09/01. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillors Kathy Palmer and David Robinson.
09/02. Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of 2nd December 2008 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.
09/03. Matters for information from previous meetings
12/3a) Langford Business Park - The modification to the S106 agreement to allow all B1 uses had been refused. Clerk to find out when nursing home application will be considered.
12/3b) Ulting Village sign - Sign has been taken down and is with Carol Ward.
12/3g) Shop at St. Giles - Official launch has taken place.
12/3h) Vehicle Activated Sign - This will be back at the end of February.
12/3m) Ulting Lane Green - Clerk to respond to resident who had complained about letter concerning vehicles driving over the grass.
12/5) Planning applications - 2, Baytree Cottages, conservatory, Railway Cottage, shed and Ulting Wick, alterations to wall had all been allowed. Beavis Hall - the Parish Council had objected to the siting of the swimming pool and pavilion but had not objected to the boundary wall.
12/8b) Museum of Power - Roy Pipe to attend meeting on 22nd January.
09/04. Declarations of Interest
To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda. No interests were declared.
09/05. District Councillor’s report
Apologies were received from Councillor Sheila Young. No report received.
09/06. Public Question Time
Not required
09/07. Planning Matters
a) Planning applications received.
FUL/MAL/08/01267 - New swimming pool within walled enclosure. Ulting Wick, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting. No objections.
FUL/MAL/08/01286 - Retention of storage shed. Land South of Robins, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting. No objection to shed but concerns raised with regard to the disposal of trade waste and storage of machinery on the site.
09/08. Correspondence
a) Maldon District Council Parish projects grant: Confirmation that the Parish Council will receive £4540 had been received. No one able to attend presentation evening on the 19th January. Clerk to respond.
b) Speed Indicator Devices: It was agreed that Roy Pipe and Leigh Daynes would arrange a meeting with Jackie Roerig to discuss the position of another pole at the east end of Langford. Cost of own face, maintenance and installation to be investigated.
c) General correspondence to note:
 Bollard / pothole: light replaced in bollard near CML entrance / potholes in Crouchmans Farm Road to be repaired by end of January.
 Apparent predetermination: Advice on the law relating to this matter had been received.
 Dog fouling: Dog Control Order came into force 5th January 2009.
 Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places: No response required.
9/09. Finance
a) The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions £19.57, streetlight maintenance Dec; Mrs. J. Clemo £387.50, clerk‘s salary and expenses.
b) The following cheque was raised and will be ratified at the next meeting: Mr. A. Marks, £41.97
c) Budget / Precept 2009/10.
The figures circulated in advance of the meeting were discussed and it was agreed that the precept should be set at £5000.
09/10. Items from the councillors
There were no items to be carried forward to the next agenda.
09/11. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th February 2009 in Langford & Ulting Village Hall at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.25pm.
Signed: (Chairman) Date: