Present:         Councillors: Roy Pipe, Leigh Daynes, David Robinson, Andrew Tween and Kathy Palmer.

In the Chair:  Councillor Roy Pipe

Clerk:              Jenny Clemo

Also present: 2 members of the public


09/110.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Sheila Young.


09/111.  Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of 20th October 2009 having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed by the Chairman.


09/112.  Declarations of Interest

To receive any ‘personal’ or ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests relating to items on the agenda.  No interests were declared.


09/113.  Matters for information from previous meetings

09/68a) Langford Leisure Park - Final document will not be received until the spring.  Brian Watkins had asked whether he could be added to the circulation list.  Roy Pipe to contact relevant person.

09/83.  Bus stops - Clerk had received a telephone call from Passenger Transport who will look into the provision of signs at Ulting Lane and Baytree Cottages.

09/83. Weight Restriction - Jackie Roerig will be attending a site meeting 8th December to look at the signage for the weight limit on Hoe Mill bridge.  An additional sign at The Green and improvements to existing signs are proposed.

09/85a) Village SOS Scheme - Clerk had not received any information.

09/98b) Local Development Framework - Copy of Core Strategy Regulation 25 Consultation received. 

09/101 EALC AGM - Kathy Palmer had attended the meeting and received a presentation on funding, particularly the CIF.

09/103. Langford Waterworks Site - Nursing home plans were approved at the previous evening’s NW Area Planning Committee meeting.  David Robinson thanked Roy Pipe for speaking to the members of the committee and circulating copies of the plans.


09/114.  District Councillors report

No report received.


09/115.  Public Question Time (limited to 15 minutes if required).

a) Flooding, Ulting Lane - Clerk to notify Highways.

b) HGVs, Ulting - It was agreed that the clerk should write to Colin Doe and ask him to notify their suppliers of Doe’s location.


09/116.  Planning Matters

a) Planning applications received.

TCA/MAL/09/00980 - Reduce in line with finished reduction of Willow.  Tree 2 Ash - Reduce in line with finished reduction of Willow.  Tree 3 Willow - Reduce by 30-40%.  Tree 4 Ash - Remove deadwood and investigate cause.  Mill Cottage, Maldon Road, Langford.  No objections.

b) Planning decisions received

TCA/MAL/09/00750 - Remove two Ash trees from northern boundary.  Brierly, Witham Road, Langford was allowed to proceed.


09/117.  Correspondence

a) Maldon District Council Minutes - It was agreed that the Parish Council would like to continue receiving a hard copy.  Clerk to write.

b) Maldon District Council Local Development Framework - Revised Timetable and Position Statement on Parish Plans / Village  Design Statements received.  Clerk to circulate copies of Position Statement and complete Green Infrastructure questionnaire.

General correspondence to note:

Ÿ  One Place on Wheels - Second week of every month:  Langford & Ulting Village Hall 15.30 - 16.30pm.   Mention in newsletter.

Ÿ  Essex Local Transport Plan 2011 - Leigh Daynes and Kathy Palmer to complete questionnaire.

Ÿ  Adopted Essex County Council Statement of Community Involvement - Essex Minerals and Waste Development Framework received.

Ÿ  LCLC December Meeting - 9th December, 10.00 - 13.00pm at the Minerva Centre, Mundon.  No one able to attend.


09/118.  Finance

a)  The following cheques were authorised for payment:- A&J Lighting Solutions  £19.66, streetlight maintenance Nov; Mrs. J. Clemo  £3.25, photocopying;  Mr. I. Ayres  £13.98, perspex for Langford noticeboard;  Mr. A. Marks  £18.13, mower petrol.

b) Barclays Bank - Notification of conversion of Business Deposit Account to Business Saver Account had been received.

c) 2010/2011 Precept - It was agreed that the following items should be considered:  costs relating to Vehicle Activated Signs, churchyard fence contingency fund, provision for photocopier, laptop (current computer purchased October 2002)  and streetlight replacement.


09/119.  Village Gateways

Notification that Highways has insufficient funds this year had been received.

09/120.  Vehicle Activated Sign Post

New post to be sited adjacent to the bus shelter on Highways land. 


09/121.  Use of Lay By at Salt Heap

Clerk to contact Environmental Health regarding overnighting lorry drivers using the lay by as a public convenience.


09/122.  Septic Tank Discharge at Bay Tree Cottages

Andrew Tween agreed that he would check the original planning consent.


09/123.  Potholes

Clerk had reported pothole near Sugar Mill Cottages. 


09/124.  Items from the councillors (NEXT AGENDA ITEMS ONLY)

a) Broken fingerpost, Ulting.

b) Streetlights - Lighting up times.


09/125.  Meeting Dates

Dates for 2010 meetings were agreed as follows:

5th January                                                                6th July

16th February                                                            7th September

30th March                                                                 19th October

27th April + Langford PM                                            30th November

25th May (Annual meeting) + Ulting PM


The meeting closed at 8.55pm.


Signed:                                               (Chairman)                     Date: