Those present: Roy Pipe, Leigh Daynes, Andrew Tween, Katherine Palmer, Sheila Young, Jenny Clemo and 4 members of the public.


1. The previous minutes of 27th May 2008.

The minutes were read by the Chairman, agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 


2. Matters arising.

a) Tree Wardens - Two were appointed, Carly Mayes for Ulting and Colin Ashby for Langford.

b) Community Speed Watch - No one else had volunteered.  The Parish Council will keep this under review.


3. Chairmans Report.

The main subject over the last 12 months continues to be the Langford Waterworks site.  Having failed to get planning permission for a light industrial site instead of high tech use and going to appeal, the applicant instead fell back on the existing permission for a high tech park.  Although the reserved matters application was agreed by the Council, it still left the applicant with the Section 106 agreement restricting use to high tech.  The applicant’s next step was to apply for a variation of the S106 agreement to allow light industrial.  This originally fell at the first fence as the applicant did not own the land and was not a party to the original agreement.  To rectify this he bought the land and was then able to apply for the variation.  However, this was turned down by the District Council.  The original refusal that went to appeal is now to be the subject of a "hearing" in August.  Over the last 12 months we have been in discussions with Ian Robottom considering an alternative use of the site as a 64 bed nursing home, a use that we as a Parish Council fully support. We know that many people in the village of Langford would prefer the site to be left as open space and we share that desire. However, we must be realistic, the site was originally commercial land and is designated as such in the District Plan.  If we can achieve the nursing home it will be a much more pleasant development for the village.  Ian Robottom is keen on the nursing home possibility and has submitted a planning application which was turned down.  The two reasons for refusal were the design and to explore whether a contribution for affordable homes should be made by the applicants.  The important point with this is that the Councillors have accepted the principle of going against the District Plan to allow this type of development.  The current stumbling block is the refusal of the planning officer to meet with the applicant to discuss a suitable design.

Other matters we have dealt with during the year include a successful bid for a sizeable grant to buy a really robust tractor mower to keep the villages looking good.  The grant of £4,540 may not be significant to some people but when you realise that this is bigger than the entire Council precept from your rates it puts it into proportion.

We have also been in talks with the County Council regarding the use of speed cameras and the possibility of buying our own speed caution sign.  These talks are ongoing.

The Chairman attended the Mid Essex Forum regarding the B1019 and the traffic problems both villages have together with Hatfield Peverel.  The bad news is that the Director of Highways refused to even consider a bypass.  We have made it clear to the County that it would be a waste of money tinkering with improvements to the existing route.  County have already abandoned the straightening of the bends.

We have also had one of the Ulting village signs refurbished.  Whilst there are numerous other minor works we deal with during the year, time and space does not permit them to be mentioned here.  However, we do continue to vigorously examine and comment on planning applications to ensure that Langford and Ulting remain attractive places to live.

Finally, the Chairman thanked Alan Robinson for his continued good work mowing the Ulting churchyard and his fellow councillors for their support and hard work.  He also thanked the clerk for the work she carries out.


4. Items from the parishioners.

a) Nursing Home - A parishioner asked why the nursing home had been refused.  This was principally because the outline application did not have sufficient detail.  In the general case, detail is not required in an outline application but as the site is in a Conservation Area the detail is necessary. An alternative design has not yet been submitted to Maldon District Council.

b) Footpaths - Many are overgrown at this time of year but cutting back is the responsibility of Highways or the landowner.


Andrew Tween thanked the Tomlins for the use of the barn and their hospitality.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.52pm.