Chairman’s Report
Oval Park - The highlight of the past year was the appeal by CML Microsystems Ltd against the decision by Maldon District Council to refuse their application for 149 houses on the Oval Park site. The chairman thanked councillors in both parishes, as well as the ward councillors at Maldon District Council, for the consolidated effort made to successfully block the appeal. The Chairman also thanked residents who gave up time to attend the hearing. The strength of public opinion shown by the numbers seated in the public gallery each day assisted the planning inspector’s decision to dismiss the appeal.
The newsletter has been able to continue with sponsorship from CML and Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd. The chairman thanked the sponsors and Cllr. Irene Allen for her sterling efforts in producing the newsletter three times a year. If any resident has an interesting article or story they feel is suitable for the newsletter please contact Irene who will include it in a future issue.
Neighbourhood Plan
Our vision for the future is progressing well under the guidance of Cllr. Vicky Anfiligoff.
Langford Parish Boundary
The proposed boundary change, bringing a number of properties back into the parish from Heybridge has been stalled by Heybridge Parish Council. Following suggestions from Maldon District Council, the Parish Council had hoped to come to an agreement with Heybridge cutting out some of the bureaucracy involved but it now seems that the Parish Council will have to proceed with the residents’ petition in order to initiate the process.
Wild swimmers
The situation with “wild swimmers” using the churchyard as a recreational area has continued to cause problems. Members of the parochial church council have made requests to the publishers of the wild swimming guide to have the site removed from their publications and website without success. However, with closer liaison now proposed between the PCC and the parish council over this matter it is hoped that a solution may be found and that the normal peace and tranquility in the churchyard can be restored.
It was noted that all Parish Council meetings are open to the public and everyone is most welcome to attend. Dates are on the village noticeboards and the Parish Council website.
Summary of Accounts – 2013/14
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
6700 |
Precept |
6700 |
1 |
Rent |
1 |
4 |
Interest |
5 |
3208 |
Grants |
1513 |
804 |
VAT refund |
157 |
10717 |
8376 |
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
2806 |
Administration |
2502 |
- |
Election |
- |
1014 |
Newsletter |
1014 |
1686 |
Streetlights |
532 |
5201 |
Churchyards/Grass cutting |
908 |
- |
Neighbourhood Plan |
45 |
809 |
150 |
11516 |
5151 |
7188 |
Balance at 1st April |
6389 |
10717 |
Add Total Income |
8376 |
(11516) |
Less Total Expenditure |
(5151) |
6389 |
Balance at 31st March |
9614 |
Parish Councillors
Councillor Andrew Tween (Chairman) Tel: 01245 381598
Councillor Irene Allen 01621 855447
Councillor Vicky Anfilogoff 01621 840532
Councillor Kathy Palmer 01245 382417
Councillor Richard Perry 01621 841518
Parish Clerk
Jenny Clemo Tel: 01245 380852 or