Kings Norton MCC, Norman Vanhouse Trial
15th March 2020
ACU Permit No: 58741
Course: This road trial will include a total of approx 36 sections. There will be two routes, plus a 50/50 route. The method of marking will be TSR22B.
Start Venue: The Fox Inn, Hanley Broadheath. WR15 8QS. First rider away at 10.15am and then at 30 sec intervals. Refreshments available.
Open Trial: Held under the National Sporting Code rules of the ACU, the standing rules for trials, and subject to any supplementary regs issued up until the start of the trial.
Officials: Clerk of Course: Mr.M.Taylor Lic. No.30242, Club Steward: Mr.P.Howells, Secretary of the meeting: Mr.M. Taylor.
Entry Fees: £22.00 Cheques payable to Kings Norton MCC. Please provide SAE for results. Closing date: 12.03.2020. Online entries available until closing date. Late entries £27.00 accepted until 9.00am on the day but riders will not be eligible for awards or championship points.
Classes: EXPERT/INTER (Hard Route) MASTER (50/50 Route) CLUBMAN/OVER 40 (Easy Route)
NOTE: Coronavirus precautions. Please bring soap, water and a towel to wash hands. Do not attend this event if you feel unwell or have a high temperature.