Climate and Ecological Breakdown - What Matters Now?

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Description automatically generatedKNEBWORTH ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP

Support the local community and help save the planet

Climate and Ecological Breakdown

What Matters Most Now?


Tuesday, 13th June 7.30pm (refreshments from 7pm), Village Hall


Admission Free

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A participative conversation with Kimberley Hare of 

HEART Community Group


Sadly, we have left it too late to ‘fix’ the climate emergency.  It is no longer “Five to Midnight”, and we are in the age of consequences.

We now face a series of interconnected ‘predicaments’, of which Climate Change is one, all underpinned by OVERSHOOT.

Come and explore what matters most now, how to figure out “What’s Mine to Do?”, and how you can tell a story with your life that you’re proud to tell, no matter what.

We’ll explore outer and inner adaptation, and what we’ve learned in HEART Community Group about building Local Community Resilience.

We look forward to connecting with you!  Find out more at the website below.