Sponsors and Partners

Partners of KCS

We are always looking for new partners. If you want to support high quality local music in Kingston and to promote your business by sponsoring our concerts and advertising in our programmes, KCS is a great option.

 Sponsor the choir, and benefit from linking your company’s name with ours.

Contact partnerships@kingstonchoralsociety.org.uk to find out how your generosity can be publicised, and to claim complimentary VIP concert tickets and other benefits.

Sponsors, supporters and patrons of KCS

Kingston Choral Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Humphrey Richardson Taylor Charitable Trust

HRTCT logo


Kingston Choral Society also gratefully acknowledges our supporters






Patron: The Worshipful the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames



Kingston Choral Society is affiliated to Making Music (the National Federation of Music Societies)

Making Music