Subscriptions 2023-24

The annual subscription fee for the 2023-24 season is £180. The full amount is payable by 30 October. Existing members who choose to only sing for part of the season are required to pay the full annual rate.

New members joining in January or April will pay pro rata – £120 or £60, respectively. For new members subs are due within two weeks of membership being confirmed.

The rate for students in full-time education is £25 per term.

Members who have not paid by four weeks before the date of the first concert after they join will not be able to sing in the concert.

We know that the cost-of-living crisis is making life difficult for many, and we want to help. If you will struggle to pay your subscription in one instalment and/or by the due date, please have a word in confidence with the Subscription Secretary, Selina Fenwick, at a rehearsal or email her.

Payment methods
We prefer to receive subscriptions by bank transfer to our CAF Bank account. Please use the reference Subs.

You can access details of the KCS bank account from the newsletter or by contacting

We can also accept cheques made out to Kingston Choral Society. Please give these directly to the Subscription Secretary.

We cannot accept subscriptions using bank cards.

Gift Aid
We strongly encourage all members to sign up for Gift Aid with KCS. The only requirement is that you pay sufficient income tax and/or capital gains tax to HM Revenue & Customs during the year to cover the Gift Aid that we recover from your subscription.

You do not need to contact HMRC about Gift Aid – we do that for you. However, if you are a higher-rate tax-payer, and complete an annual self-assessment tax return, you may gain additional tax relief for yourself by declaring your KCS subscription in the Gift Aid payments section under Charitable Giving.

Gift Aid costs you absolutely nothing but the choir gains significantly from it. The KCS Gift Aid Administrator is Lucy Thomas. Please return completed Gift Aid declaration to her in person. If you need a new Gift Aid form, or more information, you can either have a word with her at a rehearsal or email her on Please also let her know if your tax status changes at any time.