Concert Etiquette

All concert arrangements are overseen by the Concert Manager, Kate Cockle. This guide is to ensure we give a polished performance. Read and note it carefully, and remember, we are on show from the moment we file on stage.

Concert afternoon rehearsal:

Rehearsals usually last from 2-5pm but may be shorter or longer, depending on the programme content. Kate will announce timings before the day. Please arrive promptly.


If you will need water or other refreshment during the rehearsal please bring or buy your own. We provide rehearsal interval refreshments for musicians and soloists only.


On arrival, await seating instructions. When taking a seat, do not move the voice label, as it is part of a carefully organised seating plan. We all prefer to sit next to friends, but the priority is that everyone has an unimpeded view of Andrew. You may be asked to move if someone behind you cannot see him clearly. Please comply cheerfully. The Concert Manager has the final say on seating arrangements.

Concert Dress:

The purpose of a choir concert dress code is to project a smart and uniform image. We want the audience to focus on the music, not our appearance. Dress that stands out detracts from our performance.

The dress code

Concert dress should be black from top-to-toe, as follows:
Men: Black long-sleeved open-neck shirt, black trousers and smart black shoes.
Women: Ankle length black dress/skirt, or mid-calf dress/skirt with opaque black tights, or formal black trousers, and smart black shoes. Dresses and tops must be long-sleeved, ie well below elbow length.

Hot weather

Smart black sandals, worn with bare feet, are acceptable in hot weather. To preserve top-to-toe black uniformity, women opting for sandals must wear full-length dresses/skirts or trousers.

Cold weather

Do not wear bulky knitwear, coats, ponchos or shawls on stage. We advise you to keep warm in cold weather by adding layers under your concert dress.

  • balancing spectacles on the top of the head and sparkly jewellery – these may reflect and dazzle under the light
  • hair spray, aftershave and perfume – these may trigger allergies

You must always use a red KCS folder for concerts. You can buy these for £10 or hire them for £1 per concert, plus a £10 returnable deposit.

The Concert Manager will advise in advance if the choir will wear the KCS red accessories, usually at Christmas, most summer concerts and outreach events – a rose or a tie (to be purchased from KCS)

All bags on stage must be small, discreetly carried and preferably black or red. Do not take tote-bags or back-packs on stage.

If you need water, please put it in your place before the formal choir entry.

Please leave coats and choir bags in the designated Green Room. But we advise you to take small handbags and valuables on stage and store them under your seat.

Moving on and off stage:

Once the seating plan is agreed, memorise your place and your neighbours, so you know where to stand in the pre-concert line-up. The choir must be ready to file on 10 minutes before the start of the concert, usually at 7.20pm.

We normally enter from both sides of the stage. Kate will indicate the mid-line, where the choir divides between stage left and stage right entry and exit. She will nominate two people in the front row to lead sits and stands. Keep your eyes on them throughout! With the back row leading, rows file on from left and right simultaneously. Remain standing until all singers are on stage. Then sit, following the two nominated leaders.

While seated, conversations should be discreet and limited to immediate neighbours. Do not lean over or twist round to talk to people further afield. You are now in performance mode and should appear composed and professional. Do not engage with or wave at friends and family in the audience.

If the Mayor of Kingston attends, we stand when they enter, following the two leaders, and sit once they have taken their seat. When the Conductor enters, the choir stands, again following the leaders.

Andrew will indicate choir sits and stands during the performance. Remember to look up and watch him closely throughout. It is not good for the audience to see only the tops of our heads, and if we do our own thing rather than following our Conductor the performance will suffer. Above all, commit by smiling and enjoying the music.

At the start of the interval, the choir should follow the leaders in standing and filing off in reverse order, starting from the front row. After the interval, line up and file on as before.

At the end of the concert Andrew will invite applause for musicians and soloists, in which we participate. He will then gesture to the choir to stand. We should not applaud others while standing to receive our applause.

After the ‘curtain calls’, the choir remains in place until the audience starts to disperse.

The singing is over, but the work is not yet done – please do stay behind to help with moving chairs, dismantling the stage and putting the Church back together. It is a major job for two or three of us but many hands make light work!