Committee and Helpers


Committee Officers

Chair – Debbie Lye OBE
Deputy Chair – Kate Cockle
Treasurer – Jane Harnden
Secretary – Jeanette Hull

Committee Members

Advertising & Sponsorship – Gaynor Popham
Librarian – Jim Sleightholme
Membership Secretary – Lucy Thomas
Membership Subscriptions – Selina Fenwick
Choir Steward – Kate Cockle
Communications – Yvette Graham
Publicity – Dee Hipwell
Soprano Rep – Keiko Walker
Alto Rep – Kathy Goodman
Tenor Rep – Kingsley Norton
Bass Rep – Peter Wickenden
Fundraising and Social Events – Sarah Moreton

Committee Helpers

Membership List & Gift Aid – Lucy Thomas
Folders – Tina Leach & Chris Hogh
Librarian – Kath Adamson
Making Music Representative – Kath Adamson
Orchestral Librarian – Wendy Faulkner
Poster & Programme Production – Lucy Thomas
Programme Notes – Kingsley Norton
Ticket Design – Alison Mitchell
Interval Wine – Gabriel Steer
Raffles – Tom & Ruth Rees
Box Office – Yvette Graham
Website Maintenance – Lucy Thomas
Social Media – Deb Albon
Rehearsal Tea – Anne Miller