Voice Test

Kingston Choral Society is an auditioned choir. This means that our Musical Director runs a short voice test with newcomers before they join. Typically, the Membership Secretary will arrange this for you a week or two after your first rehearsal with us, or when you feel ready.

The main purpose of the test is for the Musical Director to see how your voice would fit best in the choir – you may not be the voice part you think you are! It also checks out your ability to follow a rhythm and musical patterns. We ask you to bring something with you that you are comfortable singing; this can be absolutely anything – a solo song, a hymn, a choral piece, a Christmas carol, a folk song. The Musical Director will accompany your singing on the piano, if appropriate. The ability to read music on sight is not a prerequisite for joining, and does not form part of the test.

The test is conducted in private, usually before a Thursday rehearsal, and lasts only a few minutes. Many people find the idea of it scary, but please don’t worry. Our singers come to us from all backgrounds, ranging from semi-pro to never having sung with a choir before. We very much want to be your choir of choice, and one that people of all musical abilities feel at home in.