The Kingston Faith and Belief Forum (KFBF)* works with the community to build good relations between people of differing religious, and non-religious, beliefs. The Forum is currently chaired by Revd Joe Moffatt and Madhur Hemnani and Dr Sarah Mehdi as vice chairs (more information on 'Contact us').

How to join the Forum: We welcome leaders of all faith and belief communities represented in the Borough of Kingston upon Thames. Please use this form to add your details.

*The Forum was previously known as 'KIFF - Kingston Inter Faith Forum'

Statement on Israel and Palestine


Dear friends,

We have all been distressed by the devastating news unfolding in Israel and Palestine over the past 2 weeks. We are aware that the trauma of the violence in the Middle East will be affecting many of our friends, of all faiths and none, across the borough. We hold that the root of all faith / no faith must consist of the safeguarding of all life through the exercise of kindness, compassion and love. 

We are deeply committed to the safety and welfare of those of all faiths and none in Kingston. There is no excuse for antisemitism, Islamophobia, or any other hate crime. Exacerbating communal tensions will not be tolerated. If you need to report any incidents of Hate Crime, please contact the Police on 101 or in an emergency dial 999. More details on reporting Hate Crime and accessing support can be found on the Kingston Council website:

Our Forum represents many communities in the Royal Borough of Kingston that are diverse, coming from multiple backgrounds and faiths. We live together in peace and respect each other, and stand side by side, in these difficult times, praying for peace and to see the end of this violence and destruction.

Kingston Faith and Belief Forum

20 October 2023