Spring 2018 Show Results

The Kimble and Ellesborough Horticultural Society Spring Show was held in the Stewart Hall, Little Kimble on Sunday 8th April.

There were 93 exhibits on the benches provided by 14 members; some of these were members new to the Society and showing for their first time. The competition was very close with only a few points separating the winners from the runners-up for many trophies. Sue Towersey won the Spring Challenge Cup, for the most points in the Show, Doug Ball won the Wingletang Trophy, for the most points in the bulb classes, as well as winning the Best Horticultural Exhibit, for his entry in the Three Vase Championship class, David Ridgway won the Pot Plant Trophy and the Master Class, an exhibit of four items. Cathy Gray won the Ray Taylor Cup for Sweet Preserves and also the Best Domestic Exhibit, for her Lemon Curd. Mary Redding won the Petite Floral Art class as well as the Open Floral Art class, which was awarded Best Exhibit in Show. The Shefford brothers Kieran and Oliver swept the board in the Junior classes.

A large number of visitors viewed the Show during the afternoon, many partaking of the cakes and tea which did a roaring trade.

Spring Show 2018 Trophy Winners

Spring Show Cup Winners

Spring Challenge Trophy – S. Towersey

Wingletang Trophy – D. Ball

Pot Plant Trophy – D. Ridgway        

Ray Taylor Cup – K Gray

Three Vase Narcissus – D. Ball

Floral Art - M. Redding

Best Horticultural Exhibit – D Ball

Best Domestic Exhibit – C. Gray

Best Exhibit in Show – M. Redding

Master Class – D. Ridgway

Members Section Floral Art- M. Redding

Open Section Classes

201- 1st D. Ball - 2nd D.Ridgway

202- 1st M. Redding - 2nd S.Towersey


Please contact the Show Secretary below if you would like any further information

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