Guides to Exhibiting Flowers

Our guides to exhibiting flowers are a work in progress.

We currently have a guide to exhibiting daffodils which includes the main points which judges look for and the pointing system.

The othe guides include some useful sources of information and are being developed.

General Information

Check the schedule for any requirements about, for example, the number of stems to display or the size of containers.

The Society provides the regulation green bikini vases required for displaying flowers such as daffodils, dahlias and chrysanthemums.

Guide to Showing Daffodils

A beautiful display of daffodils is the epitome of a traditional Spring show.

Check that you have correctly identified the daffodils you are exhibiting in each class and that you are showing them off in the best way.


Useful Information on our Website

RHS Daffodil Classification

RHS Daffodil Classification - Examples of Divisions and Colour Coding

Summary of Daffodil Classification and Showing Tips- Joe Ratlidge, KEHS

Showing Tips for Novices - Daffodil Society


Additional Sources of Information

The RHS Horticultural Show Handbook – see section on Daffodils (Narcissus) for more information on the merits and defects that judges look for.


The RHS Scale of Points for Daffodils

The scale should be used as a guide to the relative importance of the features of an exhibit.

In a class of more than one vase, each vase is judged and marked individually. Before this is done, the exhibit as a whole is marked out of an additional 10% of total points for visual impact and coverage of divisions and colour combinations.

In a class for single blooms:


Form and poise




Condition and texture




Size (for the cultivar)






 In a class with 3 or more blooms to a vase add 2 points for uniformity to the above.


If you have any queries, please contact the Show Secretary.

Print PDF for Guide to Exhibiting Daffodils

More information coming shortly.

Useful Information on our Website

Growing tips for Dahlias - National Dahlia Society

NDS - Soil Prep and Feeding

NDS - Growing Sheet

NDS - Pests and Diseases

Other Sources of Information

Coming shortly

Please contact the Show Secretary below if you would like any further information

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