

Homeshare UK 

All members deliver safe and local Homeshare programmes across the UK 

Homeshare UK is the UK Network for Homeshare providers. Homeshare UK is part of Shared Lives Plus- the UK membership charity for more than 6,000 shared lives carers, 150 shared lives programmes, and a growing network of over 20 Homeshare providers.

All Homeshare providers display the homeshare network badge follow good practice and a quality assurance framework.



Homeshare UK are pleased to have Homeshare Norfolk and Suffolk CIC as a Homeshare UK network member. Please see homepage for contact information.




Homeshare UK Feedback 

Gabby has been living with me for over a year and homesharing is working really well, I’m so pleased… She is a super cook and such great company. I really enjoy our chats together over a nice meal in the evenings and she is very helpful with all of the things I can’t manage around the house.”
Margaret, Householder

Novus Homeshare

On a practical level Homeshare has given me a safe place to come home to while being able to save money. But this comes second to coming home from work every day knowing that I’ll get to laugh and gossip about my day over a coffee with Sheila.
Beth, Homesharer
Novus Homeshare


“Mum is able to get the company and support that she needs and that is hugely reassuring for me.  Knowing that Mum is in safe and secure at home now, I was recently able to go away and was really touched that Mum was able to send me a birthday video message, with help from her Sharer”.
Daughter of Householder
Homeshare Oxford


It gets a bit boring living entirely on your own.  I wanted a bit more companionship around the home. Some assistance if something happened to me, if I got poorly, I thought it would be nice to have someone to help and it’s nice to know that I’ve got someone here.
Mike, Householder
Homeshare Gloucestershire