Welcome to our Website. Founded in 1998, the Society aims to promote interest in the history of Galleywood and the surrounding areas.  The Society works in partnership with Galleywood Heritage Centre and its Archive Group www.galleywoodheritagecentre.org.uk

The Society runs an annual programme of talks by both members and invited speakers. Membership renewal is due at the November meeting at a current cost of £10pa (£9 if paid by standing order).  Visitors are also most welcome to attend any event for £3. If in doubt a contact is shown below.  A quarterly newsletter 'Past Times' is also sent to members.

Next talks 

Our next talk is due to be held on Wednesday 11th September 2024 at The Keene Hall starting at 8.00pm. The title - Local Footpaths in Galleywood by Malcolm Stuart - Members Free, £3 for guests.

Organisation Contact Address -

Mrs Geraldine Willden
Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Editor of Past Times
11 Milligan's Chase, Galleywood, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 8QD
geraldine.willden@hotmail.co.uk   01245 358807