Dear Wendy


Your request for information, as detailed in your email below, has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).  Please find below our response: 


  1. Restraints Information

Please provide restraints information under the FOI act to the following questions: -

Please note that The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is a specialist mental health Trust, and not a hospital.  We provide outpatient, and mainly psychological, services.  We do not provide acute services, nor inpatient patient services, nor detention facilities,  and do not have an  A&E department.


Your request for information is not applicable to our Trust as we do not offer inpatient admissions nor provide detention services to which this information would apply


However, your questions about restraint would apply to our independent school with SEMH provision (Social, Emotional, and Mental Health), for children aged from 5 years to 14 years of age, where a form of restraint is used.  Our response below relates solely to the school’s pupils.

  1. Please supply any Restraints/investigations
  2. How many RESTRAINTS in 2023?


  1. What proportion of patients were men/women?

100% boys

  1. How old were they?

Eleven and thirteen years of age.

  1. What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?

Less than 10%.

  1. How many people covered by the equality act were restrained?


  1. How many RESTRAINTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?


  1. How many patients died during or 1 month after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?


  1. How many patients died within 6 months after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?


  1. How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving RESTRAINTS (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?


  1. How many patients have suffered complications during and after RESTRAINTS and what were those complications?


  1. Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about RESTRAINTS?


  1. If so, what was their concerns?

Not applicable

  1. Are counts of forced injections available?

Not applicable – we do not provide forced injections

  1. How does the Trust plan to reduce restraints in the future?

Use of trauma informed practice including the Trauma Informed Schools Programme

  1. Seclusion Information

Please provide SECLUSION information under the FOI act to the following questions: -

Not applicable.

We do not seclude patients nor SEMH School pupils



Please note that information provided under FOIA relates to information held by this Trust at the date on which the request was made.  


We trust that you are satisfied with this response.  If you are dissatisfied then please write to us at FOI@tavi-port.nhs.uk within 40 working days, quoting the reference details in the header of this email, and explaining the reason for your dissatisfaction.  The Trust would then appoint a senior manager, not previously involved in this case, to conduct an internal review of our original response and advise you of their findings, within 20 working days, which would include  either a revised response, or a rationale for upholding the original response.


Yours sincerely,



Freedom of Information Team,

Tavistock and Portman 
NHS Foundation Trust

Tavistock Centre 
120 Belsize Lane
London NW3 5BA