Social Media Policy

Foss Photography Club Social Media Policy

This policy lays out an approach to the use of social media by Foss Photography Club and its members to make the most of the benefits whilst also laying out best practice to minimise the risks.

For the purpose of this policy, ‘social media’ is defined as ‘websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking’.  This currently includes the Foss Photography Club website and Facebook pages.

Social media has the potential for several benefits for the Club and its members, including:

  • Encouraging members to become actively engaged with the Club through attending meetings and events
  • Encouraging members to share their photographs with Club members and providing constructive comments
  • Encouraging non-members to become involved with the Club by attending a meeting or event as a visitor or by becoming a member
  • Helping to promote the image of both the Club and individual members

 Using the website and social media pages, Foss Photography club intend to:

  • Provide information and updates on the club’s activities
  • Allow Foss Photography Club members to display their photos within their named folders in the gallery section of the website
  • Allow members of the Foss Photography Club Facebook page to post photographs and provide comments and critiques

However, all comments and critiques on the Facebook page must:

  • Be considerate and respectful
  • Be aware of copyright laws and give credit where necessary
  • Refrain from commercial marketing of products and services and providing links to content unrelated to the Club and its activities
  • Refrain from posting political or other non-photographic content - comments should be limited to photography related topics
  • Refrain from posting private or personal information without permission
  • Refrain from personal attacks, insults or threatening language 

The web team reserve the right to remove comments or content that is obscene, offensive, racist or sexist. Be aware that recent legal cases have established that anything posted on a social media site, regardless of the intended recipient, may be considered public information. 

Members must not knowingly or recklessly post anything on a social media site which is likely to bring the Foss Photography Club or photography in general into disrepute or cause the Club or a member to be in breach of the Foss Photography Club’s Constitution or English law. 

Foss Photography Club is not responsible for the accuracy of content posted by any member of the Facebook pages and opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of Foss Photography Club.

Personal advertisements for photographic equipment may be allowed, but their presence on the site/s is not an endorsement of the authenticity or quality of the goods, and Foss Photography Club will not be held responsible for any claims arising in that respect. Permission MUST be sought through the Club Secretary before placing ANY advert.

By choosing to comment on and/or use any Foss Photography Club social media sites, members are deemed to agree to this policy.

Foss Photography Club reserves the right to copy and reproduce any images, submitted into any of the Club’s competitions, critique evenings or exhibitions, for publicity purposes, including on the website. Any objections should be addressed to the Club Secretary. Copyright always remains with the author.

The club also reserves the right to use images of those attending club activities for publicity purposes, including on the website. Any objections should be addressed to the Club Secretary.

February 2023