Privacy Policy

Foss Photography Club Privacy Policy

Foss Photography Club (FPC) is established with the objects set out in its Constitution to serve the interests of its members. As ‘data controller’ of the personal information members provide, FPC takes their privacy seriously. This privacy notice sets out how, why and for how long we will use members’ data, as well as with whom we share it. It also explains a member’s legal rights as a data subject and how to exercise them.

The personal information referred to in this policy may include name, photographic distinctions, contact details, membership records, records of entries to competitions and events, payments of membership subscriptions and such other information as may be necessary for the effective management and legitimate interests of FPC.

Contact Details

  • For the essential running of FPC contact details of its members are held and accessed by committee members
  • The FPC will consider full contact information to be a member’s name, home and email addresses and telephone number
  • Any member wishing to verify the information held by FPC, or who can correct or update that information, should contact the FPC Secretary or Treasurer

We need to collect our members’ personal information so that we can manage your relationship with us. The contact details may be used for the following purposes:

  • To contact you via email to raise awareness of FPC events and the opportunities to get involved in club meetings, training, outings or inter-club events
  • To provide notice of the Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary Meeting, which will be emailed out to members and displayed on the FPC website
  • To respond to and investigate your questions, comments, support needs, complaints, concerns or allegations
  • Members will be provided with the names and limited contact details of committee members if they need to ask questions of a committee member
  • Upon request an external or Yorkshire Photographic Union lecturer or judge will be supplied with contact details of a relevant committee member
  • For a member wishing to leave FPC all their current contact data will be deleted when notice has been received and any final administrative matters have been terminated
  • For a club member not wishing FPC to hold their contact details, a request for deletion should be made to the FPC Secretary or Treasurer - this may result in the member not being informed about events, etc
  • General business - FPC may hold the personal information for anyone contacting FPC, or whom the FPC contacts for the purpose of conducting its general business

How we protect your personal information:

  • Members of the Committee can only access your personal information for purposes relating to club business
  • Members’ contact details will not be made available to third parties
  • Where member’s details are held as electronic records, these files will be password protected

Photographic images

FPC will retain copies of digital images submitted to internal club competitions and to external competitions. Images for internal competitions are retained for club use e.g. to display the work of the club on its website. Images for external competitions, run by the Yorkshire Photographic Union (YPU) or the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) in which the Club enters on behalf of members, will be retained to allow the competitions secretaries to check that the images have not been entered in previous years. The Club may retain other digital images submitted by members for use in exhibitions or publicity. The names of authors of images used in competitions, exhibitions and publicity may be published.

If a member does not wish for their photographic images to be retained and used in this way, the member should inform the Secretary or Competition secretary.

January 2023