Club Constitution



The name of the organisation is ‘FOSS PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB’


  • To welcome anyone with an interest in photography whatever their skill level
  • To foster and encourage photographic interest and ability amongst members by providing a weekly programme of activities throughout the season including talks, hands on training, sharing of ideas, demonstrations, challenges and visits - all members will be encouraged to show and share their work
  • To join and support the interests of the Yorkshire Photographic Union under the umbrella of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain


  • Membership is open to all upon payment of the annual subscription
  • The annual subscription rate shall be reviewed and agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Subscriptions will be due in the September of each year
  • Visitors will be welcome to two club meetings on payment of a weekly charge
  • Visitors weekly charge rate to be determined and agreed at the AGM
  • Young people under the age of 18 years are welcome to join the club but MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult at all meetings and events


  • The management of the club will be conducted by a committee consisting of a Chairperson (Chair), Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster & social media officer
  • All officers will serve for a period of three years
  • Officers and committee members will be elected at the AGM which will be held at the end of the Club season
  • The Chair will preside at the AGM and all committee meetings
  • The person in the role of Chair will be responsible for determining and organising the weekly programme, the booking of speakers, judges, etc
  • The Vice-chair will deputise for the Chair and will step into the role as and when necessary
  • The Secretary will deal with all club correspondence, take and publish the minutes of all meetings and keep records of all active members of the club
  • The Treasurer will be responsible for dealing with all the club’s financial matters and publishing an annual statement of accounts at the AGM
  • The Webmaster & social media officer will be responsible for the continual upkeep of the club website, Social Media pages and sharing club announcements on other local social media pages
  • Additional members may be co-opted onto the committee to fulfil roles such as Exhibition/Competition Secretary, general committee members, etc should they be required after which they may be elected at the subsequent AGM


Any alterations or amendments to the Constitution can only be done at the Annual General Meeting

January 2023