Flower Arrangement Section

Flower Arrangement Section

Members of Epsom Garden Society are warmly invited to exhibit their own designs by entering the Flower Arrangement Section of the Spring, Summer and Autumn Flower Shows held annually at St. Martin’s Junior School, Ashley Road, Epsom. 

There are classes for Novice, Intermediate and Advanced skill levels.  Conditions regarding eligibility for each skill level are included in the  Show Schedule.   However, members of other local, NAFAS recognised, flower clubs who become members of EGS should compete at the same skill level they achieved in that club.

We are very fortunate to have highly qualified judges at each of our shows.  Exhibitors and public alike find the judges’ comments constructive and interesting.

We are a group who love flowers. Some of us grow flowers, others buy flowers and visit gardens and we all enjoy arranging flowers. Our talents and interests are wide ranging from simple posies to church flowers and competition work.


For further information, see newsletters.