The Remarkable Miss Jekyll

Wednesday 28 February 2024
10:15 to 11:45

Our favourite Garden historian, Cherrill Sands be returning to give us an insight into the remarkable Gertrude Jekyll.   Gertrude Jekyll is known primarily today as a garden designer and plantswoman, though she was also a talented artist and photographer. As a key figure in the Arts & Crafts Movement, Miss Jekyll also created designs for embroidery, jewellery, ceramics and wallpaper. This talk explores her designs, planting plans and some surviving gardens.

There will be a raffle at this meeting. Contributions gratefully received.

Contact Cathy Flitter
Epsom Sports Club
Woodcote Road
KT18 7QN
(view map)
Cost £2 for members, £3 for non-members. Free raffle, tea & biscuits.