Hi DUGs,
Annual General Meeting
Our Secretary, John Gallagher, has sent out an email with the Agenda, Minutes of IGM, Treasurer's Report, Summary of Accounts and DUG Asset List.
I have a couple more items I would like to add*, so the agenda is now as follows:
  1. Minutes of previous AGM – 10 May 2023
  2. Chair’s Report
  3. Treasurer’s Report and List of Assets
  4. Secretary’s report
  5. Election of Committee
  6. Rural Hall Fees*
  7. Training Workshops*
  8. Membership Fees and Subscriptions
  9. Charitable Donations
  10. List of Gigs/Events for 2024/25
  11. AOB
I don't expect the AGM to take much more than half an hour, so we can get back to playing ukuleles as early as possible.
Loch Lomond Strumday - 6th October
I have booked eight tickets for the event for the following members:
Hazel Blackwood
Tom Cairney
Alison Irvine
Gemma McQuillian
Alex Murphy
Sally Young
Julia Gilbert
Pauline Sutton
If you want a ticket and you are not on this list, please let me know ASAP, and I will order additional places.
Doune Ponds Family Fun Day - Sunday, 8th September
We have been asked once again to perform at the Doune Ponds Family Fun Day.
This is an outdoor event and, as such, will be weather-dependent. 
Hopefully, though, September should be kinder than our last performance at the Ponds on a bleak December afternoon.
No new songs this week. And, as I'm running a bit late with this email, I'm just going to put together a playlist of easy, happy songs to follow the tension of the AGM!
DUG Song Sheets
Now that we are no longer using printed song sheets at our meetings, all new songs will be put on the website, rather than attached to these emails. If you want to practice any of our songs, you can view/download all our songs here: Our Songs
It's that time of the month again.
For those who have not already paid, can I remind you that subs are due by the end of the month.