Hi DUGs,
Well, okay, it's not. Not yet. But it is coming up fast.
We only have four more Wednesdays before our festive season begins.
Sarah gave us some very useful tips last week about performing.
The most important points we need to keep in mind with all our songs are:
Playing the same rhythm and strumming pattern
Keeping the beat – percussion/bass
Start/stop together, particularly gaps
Connect with the audience – eye contact and smiles
Stand up – Dance!
I have tried to update the PowerPoint slides based on Sarah's teaching.
I am also trying to update the printed song sheets too. Most of them, and notes based on the workshop sessions are available in the Members' Area of our website:
Open Mic
At last year's Open Night we had an open mic section just before the interval. This was to allow some of our members to leave the stage and get the refreshments together.
I would like a handful of us to perform James' Let's Play Ukulele (Let Me Entertain You). We won't have time to learn/practice this as a full group in time for our Christmas performances, but we could meet up away from our Wednesday meeting and have a go at it. I'll have a chat tomorrow night and see if we can put something together.
We will start this week with the two Christmas songs we have been working on with Sarah, and the other three non-festive songs.
The rest of the evening we will run through the rest of our Christmas song book.
Rockin' All Over The World
I'm a Believer
Stop The Cavalry
I Wish it Could be Christmas
Events Calendar
DUG Song Sheets
Now that we are no longer using printed song sheets at our meetings, all new songs will be put on the website, rather than attached to these emails. If you want to practice any of our songs, you can view/download all our songs here: Our Songs