Hi DUGs,
It was great to see such a large turnout for our Annual General Meeting.
The full minutes of the meeting will be published in due course, but here is a summary of some of the more important points:
Election of committee
We now have five committee members.
I remain as Chair.
John Gallacher swaps jobs to take over as Treasurer
Julia Gilbert has been elected Secretary.
Jackie Gilmour and James Coleman have also joined the committee.
Rural Hall Fees
We agreed to book the Rural Hall for three hours on Wednesday evenings to allow time for setting up/packing away.
This does not affect our meeting times which remain 7.30 - 9.30
Training Workshops
We agreed to invite Sarah Farren to provide three monthly workshops, with a view to this becoming a long-term arrangement.
I have contacted Sarah to ask when she can start.
The workshops will be two hours on Wednesday evenings at our normal meeting times and will be free to all paid-up full members.
Membership Fees
We decided to keep membership fees at the same rate until we see how the extra expenses affect things (Hall Fees/Workshops).
I've put this week's playlist together to include some of our most recent new songs.
I have also added a new song - Harvest Moon by Neil Young
This is a gorgeous love song with a lovely riff that plays well (and easily) on the ukulele.
Listen to the song here:
DUG Song Sheets
Now that we are no longer using printed song sheets at our meetings, all new songs will be put on the website, rather than attached to these emails. If you want to practice any of our songs, you can view/download all our songs here: Our Songs